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Monday, December 21, 2009

Family - Part 1

    How does one "conceive" a child? Where does it begin? Life begins with a thought, with a need, most of the time with a plan, and ultimately with action. Babies are not born by accident. Families begin with a husband and a wife, the marriage union is the beginning of the family unit. Some people would say that "it is not a family until there are children involved." "Children are a gift from God," at least according to the Holy writ, the Word of God. The family is where children start, where they grow, how they learn concepts, where they are nourished, where they are nurtured, where they are "reared" and family is many units with many connections, yet one. With children, it has oft been said "more is caught, than taught."
    There are numerous types of "families" and not all of them are human. There are families of instruments, there are families or schools of thought, plant families, animal families, there are good and bad families, but what constitutes a "family?" According to Merriam Webster a family is defined as (1) "a group of individuals living under one roof," (2) "a group of persons of common ancestry (clan),(3) "a group of things having common characteristics."
    In music, there are several different families: the string family, this includes all instruments with strings. This would include instruments like the guitar, the harp, violins, violas, cellos, Double Bass, Banjos, Mandolins, etc,   There is a large group of Instruments called the Wind Family, a it is divided into other family units called "Brass" and "Woodwinds". Under the Brass family is any instrument that uses a cup mouthpiece and the sound is made by buzzing the lips. The brass family includes such instruments as the trumpet, shofar, cornet, flugelhorn, french horn (or Horn), trombone, sackbut, Euphonium, Saxhorns, Tuba family, and others. Each family has certain characteristics that define the unit. The Woodwinds would include such instruments as the clarinet family, the saxophone family, the double reed family, and anything else that takes breath to make sound.  There is another large family called "Percussion" which means to strike. In this family are instruments like the Piano, the marimba, xylophone, vibraphone (commonly called "vibes"), snare drum, cymbals, gongs, etc... ad infinitum. 
    In human families, what make up "characteristics" that define each unit? Some families are Asian, some are European, Chinese, English, Irish, Jewish, Iranian, or such. Nationality helps to define the unit. Families are also set apart by class: some are very wealthy, moderately wealthy, middle class, lower class, and poverty, etc... Other characteristics of families would be described by their faith, or their lack of it. In the old days, people were usually Christian, Jewish, Hindi, Buddhist, Muslim, or such. Today, there are plethoras of various belief systems. Families can be held together or broken apart by belief systems. 
    There is an old saying that "blood is thicker than water." In the south, the "Bubba system" is usually a family system or nepotism. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, we cling to familial patterns. They are imprinted or ingrained in our DNA. Even thought patterns are passed down genetically (in the family) from one generation to the next.
    In the Bible, the Jews were separated for service by family lines. The Levites served in the house of God. They were set apart from the rest. Some people are chosen by God for special service, and that usually follows a pattern or a bloodline. The bloodline of Jesus Christ is very interesting. In His bloodline was a prostitute called Rahab, Ruth - a Moabite woman, and many other "unseemly" people were in His bloodline. Why?
    There are various families of animals: a "pride" of lions, a "gaggle" of Geese, a "school" of fish, Elephants, Giraffes, dolphins, whales, dogs, cats, snails, lizards, etc... Why are there so many families? Why are various families "connected" with other families? When various families come together, a "symphony" of sound is usually produced. 
    Around this time of year, as well as other times, especially at Christmas seems to be a definitive "family" time. Why? Is it just "tradition?" Around the time of Christ's birth, the census brought families together in the city of their origin, like salmon returning home. Christmas time has always been a special family time for my family, but it is no longer. When Mom and Dad are gone, the family often splits apart. There are family leaders, and there are family followers. Parents lead and children follow. At least, that is the way it is supposed to work. When children rule the roost, there is chaos and frustration in the ranks. There is no peace in such a family. Peace come to a family when the order is straight and is understood by all. Father, Mother, then the children in birth order. Eventually the children start their own families and separate from their family unit to start their own. Nowadays, we would call this the extended family.  (More to come)  "Whoever herd of such things?"

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Blessing of the Lord

    "The Lord maketh rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." The blessing of the Lord is not all about money, but Jehovah Jireh - God provides for His children. How much is a blessing worth? Esau did not value it very highly, but Jacob did. The blessing of God adds value to life, it increases meaning and purpose in the life of the one who is blessed, and their is no sorrow in His embrace. The Words HE speaks are light and life, they yield grace and glory to all who receive them. Who is given this power to bless and to curse?
    I'm glad you asked! To the Sons and Daughters of Zion, to those who believe on His name, to the Sons of the Most High and to their offspring, to the women of God who proclaim His word. In His Kingdom, the woman is not left behind, but is elevated. She walks along side her husband. God is her husband, and He is Lord over all things.
    The blessings of God lie before us, and the mystery is hidden before our very eyes until He opens them. Once our eyes are opened by the spirit of God, then we see clearly into the Kingdom through His eyes of love. Choices - it is all about choices. In Him, we live and move and have our being. Sometimes we are called out from among them, but we are not "Lone Rangers" in His Kingdom.
    The blessings proceed from His lips, from His Word - the Living Word, proceed the rivers of blessing, the water of life. These springs are a wellspring of life which gush forth from the innermost being. The confidence of the believer is not in their flesh, but in Him. He came in the flesh, and He comes into our hearts, and fills us with His goodness via His Word. The light removes the darkness. The light or the Sun (Son) removes the fog. He lights our path before us and in His temple we cry "Glory!"
    He is THE Way, THE truth, and THE Life - no man (or woman - implied) comes to the Father except through His blood. It is by the blood and by the water that we are cleansed, they are spirit and they are life. We cannot only drink His blood, we must eat His flesh too. This communion comes through the Father, by the Spirit. It is a great mystery, but we are married to Him. He is our husband. This can be difficult for men, but we are the "Bride of Christ." In Him is male and female, not just male. In Him, in "our image" is life. It takes two to create life. There are three in one, for God is One. In Him there is unity in diversity. This paradox is difficult. Many things of God are difficult, but not impossible for the mind to conceive, but God can make one to understand His ways. Some things do not make sense in the natural, and that is why some have difficulty coming to Him. Sometimes the mind wants to "figure out God" but God is not a man. One may not understand the ways of God except by the spirit of God. Some things must be accepted because "He said so." His Word rules over all and above all. His Word is the light of Heaven. The Heavens are telling of the glory of the LORD!"
    Back to the blessing, His blessing gives life. Children are a "gift from God." Some people do not consider or treat their children as a blessing because they get their eyes away from God. Love is a ruler that measures the things and nature of God. God is love. Love is a blessing. When you are loved, you know it. There are no "questions" in love, there is no fear in love, for in love there is total acceptance. When one knows they are accepted by the Father, then there is peace and rest. The struggles come when we are deceived, when we are not sure, when we do not know. In Him, there is a "knowing." When you know that you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry "Abba" Father, then YOU KNOW! When you know, then you are blessed. Faith of the Father is a blessing. He is our portion, and we are His portion. In Him we are blessed and there is no fear in His arms of love. Revive us O Lord according to THY WORD!
   A Prayer: "Lord Jesus, come into my heart and change me for your glory. Reveal to me the love of the Father. I am tired of stumbling and not knowing you as I should. Lord Jesus, I come to You, the maker of Heaven and Earth. Forgive me of all of my sins and make me a blessing. I want to be all that YOU desire. I commit all of my ways unto YOU, to YOU, and for YOU, because YOU are my King and my God. Fill me with the knowledge of YOU and of all of your ways. This one thing I desire, that I may Know YOU, the Living God, and the power of YOUR resurrection. By faith in Your beloved Son, I thank You that Jesus died for my sins. I receive YOU as the Lord and ruler of my life. By simple child-like faith, I put all of my hopes, dreams, plans, and aspirations into Your hands. I commit to you my life, my love, and my all. Bless me Lord according to Your Word, for Your glory I pray. I ask these things in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen!"
    If you prayed that prayer, let a Godly Pastor know. If you get a negative response, he is not a Godly Pastor. Go somewhere else, and let God lead you. He is a loving God. He wants the best for you and He will encourage you, not tear you down (see John 3:17). Let me know if I can help. God bless you in Jesus' name!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A few thoughts on the death of Oral Roberts

    Oral Roberts passed away yesterday, and now He is in a better place. He was a man of God, a man of faith. He was used by God to bring healing to the sick. It was a different time then, than it is now. He operated and conducted services in a tent, no air conditioning. Before he began his healing ministry, he was healed of polio. You cannot minister to others in areas in which you have no knowledge, and he had "been there."
    I never met the man, but I have seen his television shows. My father knew of his wife's father in North Carolina. If I recall correctly, he was an old bicycle preacher. For those who do not know, or have not heard, this meant basically that he ran the entire time he was preaching. These old preachers would preach and run around the building. It looked like they were riding a bicycle, so they were called bicycle preachers. It was a supernatural phenomenon, no man could do this is his own strength. It was the spirit of Elijah, the same spirit that gave Elijah the strength and power to outrun the Kings chariots.
    Oral Roberts used a term called "Seed Faith." By Faith you would sow a seed, and you would believe God for the miracle. He started his show saying "Something good is going to happen to you today!" Faith is expectant. Faith believes all things, hopes all things, trusts all things, endures all things - for the glory of the Father. The love of God knows no boundaries, it is limitless! God is faithful!
    Why was this man influential in my life? Why do I write about him now? All I can tell you is "I don't know." Sometimes there is a spirit connection that goes beyond the natural physical plane that we walk on in this earth. Sometimes the words of a man can be deposited deep within you, the words of God pours forth from his lips, and in God's timing HE brings them forth. That is seed faith! Sometimes it lies dormant within an individual for years, but God is never late. At just the right time, at just the right moment, God brings it forth. Some people call it a divine delay. Regardless of what it is called, if something is hidden deep in the recesses of your heart, God knows how to bring them forth. He knows when, He knows how, and He knows where to release them.
    What have you gone through in this life, that will give you a "Ministry?" It is usually the thing that makes you the maddest. It is the thing that makes you "incensed with fire" and brings out all of your passion. Sometimes, it can be more than one thing, but usually it is one thing. If you know nothing of rape, you cannot truly understand a woman who has "been there." If you have never lost a child in death, you cannot relate to one who has "been there." God allows us to go through things so that we may have the fire to pursue it to the end. One of God's names is Jehovah Shammah  -  The Lord is there -- He's been there! Before all things were, there was God. Nothing surprises Him.
    Oral Roberts was not a perfect man, but he was a man of God and called by God. We can all find fault. It is easy to judge when one sits on the sidelines, but when you are in the game it is entirely different. The people who would criticize Oral Roberts do not have a clue. I salute Oral Roberts and his accomplishments, but all the glory, honor, and praise go to Jesus. Yet, at the same time, we are the hands and feet of God at His footstool. We are the lips of God. "Who will hear unless there is a preacher?" Oral Roberts was a preacher and I believe he was a good one. He carried with him a spirit of excellence. I pray that there will be a healing in the church at this hour of his departure. There will be a release in the spirit, and I pray that I will receive from the Lord and from his (Oral Roberts') spirit. May the parabolic blessing of the Lord shine forth in this hour! "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." Let the radiance of Thy presence come as a typhoon of the spirit, in waves, in multiplied waves of refreshing. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Oral Roberts was a Saint!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ascribe to the Lord

    "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name." (Psalms 29: 2a)   What does the word "ascribe" mean? What is this "glory" we are commanded to give Him? What is His name? Let's say for a moment that we do not assume to know any of these. Let us say that we are like a little child and we are "tabula rasa" - a blank slate. Let us look into these little words and see what we can glean from them.
    "Ascribe" means to attribute or to impute as to a cause or source, to charge, to declare or consider as belonging to; assign as an attribute _syn. "Attribute." Scribe comes from the Latin "ascribere" which means "to write." We are to write down these attributes of the Lord. When someone writes something down on paper, it helps to ingrain or imprint it into their mind. Once it is written down, it is eternally sealed, because it can be seen for ages to come, even after one is dead. My Pastor encourages his congregation to "journal" which is ascribing to the Lord the glory due to His name. Ascribing or Journalling does several things: it helps one remember what is important, it brings back memories and shows the faithfulness of God in tough times, it is a "constant" reminder of God's character: His faithfulness, His goodness, and His love. Girls usually are good about keeping diaries of personal "stuff" involved in day to day activities, and usually about relationships that are important to them. Shouldn't our relationship to God be important enough to us that we should writes it down, or make a note of it? "This do in remembrance of Me" was written on the communion table at my church. The same could be said of ascribing to the Lord, or journalling. One of the main things that journalling does for an individual is that it helps to produce consistency. People tend to be "spasmodic." Staying the course can be difficult. Like Marriage, a great mystery indeed, when the going gets tough one must remember the good times and the "Covenant" or the vow that was made to one another.
    What is the "glory due to His name?" The Bible, or the Word of God must be the sourcebook when it comes to ascribing (the best Journal ever written), or knowing what is the glory due to the NAME (Ha'Shem) of the Lord. What is glory? "Glory" means "distinguished honor or praise; exalted reputation. something bringing Praise or renown; an object (or person) of special distinction." The word "honor" means "to speak well of." God is the Most High God. His name is higher than every name ever formed. In the West we know HIM as Jesus Christ. Jesus is a Greek name, yet Jesus was Jewish (at least on this Earth). In Hebrew, Jesus would be Yeshua Ha'Messhiach. "Ha'Messhiach" would be the "Messiah," or Christ - the anointed one, the smeared one, the one who brings at-one-ment (atonement), and Yeshua is Jesus in Hebrew.
     The Jews believe that when the atonement occurs, that is the moment where they are "ONE" with God. Thus they have at-one-ment with God. First the natural, then the Spiritual. Jesus, or Yeshua is God. Why would I say such a thing. I didn't say it - HE did (but I stand in agreement with His declaration!)!!! There is more to this story, there is another name the Jews call God and it is YHVH (or we might say Yahweh), but it is the ineffable or unspeakable name of God. This is the name where one stands before God and sees Him and is left totally speechless - you cannot talk because of His reverence - His Holiness. In this moment one is left "speechless" (ineffable).
    On the cross, Jesus or Yeshua, had a sign placed over His head. The first words spoken of Jesus by John the Baptist was "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!" What did he mean when he said that?  The Jews knew what it meant. In the Passover each year, a little lamb would be brought in the house after spring cleaning prior to the week of Passover. During the week of Passover, the family was "locked in the house with God." This cute little lamb was cuddled and snuggled, fed and loved by the family. However, on Friday the animal was killed for their sins. Then they had to eat his flesh, and they drank wine with the meal. This communion was only for the Jewish family, no outsiders could attend. The lamb was the substitute sacrifice for them. As the years went by, the family probably did not want to get as close, since they knew what was coming next. When John the Baptist declared or ascribed that this man named Jesus would be the lamb of God which would take away their sins, many of them had forgotten. On the cross, the government declared that Jesus or Yeshua was God - the ineffable one.
    How? I'm glad you asked! Over the head of Jesus was written a sign that read "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." In Hebrew this would read "Yeshua Ha'Netzeret V'mlech Ha'Yehudim" and that incensed the Jews. They saw it and said "NO!" They said "Change it to say that 'He said' He was the King of the Jews!" Why? Do you ever wonder why? By taking the first letter of each of these words we get Y-H-V-H or YHVH, the tetragrammaton of Yahweh, the ineffable NAME OF GOD. Yeshua is Jesus. Ha'Netzeret is of Nazareth (Nazareth means "the branch"). V'mlech means "the King, Lord, or overseer of the people. Ha'Yehudim is of Judah or Yehuda, Jesus or Yeshua was of the tribe of Judah. Judah means Praise. When we understand who Jesus really is, we stand before Him speechless because we realize that He took "my place" and yours. In Heaven, He has been given a name that is above every name and we haven't heard that yet. God is our Father, or ABBA. Because of what Jesus or Yeshua did on the cross, we can now approach the Father as ABBA - Daddy God. God is our Father. We are Sons and Daughters of the Most High God if we accept His at-one-ment, His atoning sacrifice. To be like Him, we must die. He must increase and we must decrease. Hopefully I have answered the three questions. They are three in one, for one, and to one.  I have just ascribed to the Lord the glory due to His name. Praise His Holy Name!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What do you want to be?

    As a child, we are often asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Many of us have heard some humorous answers to that question, but some of us need to think about that again. Where have your dreams gone? Are you following your heart? Are you living your dream? Have you "given up" on ever becoming what you really want? Joseph had a dream, but circumstances seemed to go contrary to what He saw.
    Most of us know the story about Joseph and His dream. We say it as his dream, but who gave him the dream? Have you ever been a "favorite" student? Have you ever been "picked out of the crowd"?, but didn't really want to be. Joseph's first problem was that he shared his dreams with his brothers. They were already angry with him, or jealous of him because he was "Dad's favorite son." Then He shows up with a special coat that said even louder, "I love him more than any of the rest of you!"
    What would you have done? They wanted to kill him. Fortunately a little wisdom was exercised, and they sold him as a slave. I guess this would be like a "life" sentence over a "death" sentence. Regardless, he was cast away and removed from his comfort zone. He was removed from family and friends and the Father that he loved and that loved him.
    Many of us have dreams, but if they are "from God" then God will bring them to pass. The same God who gives the dream is able to carry it to fruition. It is worthy of note that Joseph did not forget his God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The favor of God remained upon him even though he was no longer with the father. The Father was with him, throughout the course of his life.
    Every time I read the story of Joseph I cry, it touches me in a deep place. Why? Maybe I can relate, and even though things are tough and I am not doing the thing that I want to do in the way that I want to do it, I still have life. When it is time, God knows how to bring you to the forefront. God has perfect timing, HE is never late.
    Why do I write this? I have a feeling that many of us are doing a daily routine, but sometimes we feel trapped like Joseph did when he was in prison. We want "out" but God says stay. God says "Be still and know that I am God." Many of us are in the preparation, and in our daily routine He is preparing us for that mountain top experience. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of good and not of evil, to give you a hope (Ha'tikvah) and a future." God sees the end from the beginning.  Sometimes hope looks beyond the seen into the unseen. Hope believes all things. Hope believes all things. Hope endures all things. Hatikvah is the National Anthem of Israel, and it was David's last song. He saw into the eyes of His Father. God shall redeem Israel. He is our hope and our eternal reward.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Child-like Faith

Jesus told us to come to Him as a little child. I wonder if that doesn't really mean as a "baby." A baby is totally helpless, and cannot do anything but be held, loved, nurtured, diapered, and fed by the Father or Mother. The reason I wonder this is because it "fits" in line or in unity with the concept of the "Good Shepherd." The parents do everything for the baby or the child, the child simply mimics or follows the parent. In like manner, the sheep do nothing for the Shepherd, but follow Him. The Good Shepherd is like a parent, he or she does everything for the sheep. "Sheep" can be one, ten, twenty, a hundred, a thousand or one million.
Having a childlike faith and being childish are two different things. Christ did NOT say to be childish in one's faith, but to be childlike in one's faith, and there is a big difference between the two. I wonder, what are the characteristics of being childlike? Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." If we are to come to Him as a little child, shouldn't we know what that means? I want to explore the possibilities, for there may be one verse, yet many or numerous applications. Children are innocent, they are truly ignorant. Ignorant means that someone simply does not know. There is no shame in being ignorant "as a child." As one matures, wisdom teaches valuable lessons. Stupid means that someone knows the correct thing to do, but fails to act with the knowledge they have acquired.
What are the characteristics of a child? A child is very trusting, they will believe pretty much anything you tell them. A child learns by mimicking or copying the parent. They "imprint" on the adult: first with the mother and then the father. There is an old saying that I've heard which is "more is caught than taught." I believe this to be true. Children learn by example. If the parents get divorced, the children are more apt to follow in their behavior. Children are like baby birds, they have to be "fed" and that more than food. Children are to be fed food with nourishment. They are fed words, thoughts, information, character, attitudes, and much more. In ancient Hebrew culture, it was the Father's responsibility to oversee the education of the children. In American society, we have given that responsibility primarily to the women, and that is very unfortunate, the child needs "balance."
What do children learn from their mothers? What does a child learn from their fathers? From a mother the child learns to be loving, tenderness, quietness, compassion, softness, beauty, speech, nurturing, cleanliness, craftiness, and gathering to name a few. From the father children learn discipline, strength, power, authority, obedience, rule, attention, focus, warfare, creativity, consistency, and peace. Men teach how to love as well, but on a different level from women. Children need balance, one on the left and one on the right. God created "them" - male AND female HE created them. In the book of Genesis, God said let us make man in "Our" image. Why our? Is God male and female? One of the names of God is El Shaddai - the many breasted one. It is something to think about......(maybe another forum).
Back to the children, children need to be able to approach their parents. Mom and Dad ARE God to them. The parents represent God Himself to the child. The child will learn, they will respond, they will get their concepts of God from the parents. Children usually follow God in the same manner their parents do. Going against the family grain is a difficult thing. Sometimes God will change things from the inside out, but this requires a hungry and a willing heart.
I invite you today to come to the loving Heavenly Father, The Lord of all creation, as a little child. He will teach you, provide for you, love you as none other, and one may always find hope, encouragement, strength, and peace in His loving arms. The well is always deeper, there are many gold nuggets to those who dig deeper, His Word is the water of life - a refreshing spring. His Word is a gift that gives and keeps giving. Never look to man for the things that only God can give you. In Him we live and move and have our being. Call out to God today! The rewards only come to those who are His children. For the believers, the chosen ones, we have received the spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry "Abba Father" or Daddy God. (The feminine is always implied.)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How much is it worth?

Many things that someone holds dear to their heart in this life is based upon belief in a value system, how much is it worth? The worth of something can be based on several factors, but none of it is pertinent unless it is believed and perceived by the masses to be of worth. The hardest thing to sell sometimes is that which everyone views as "free." If something is "free," does it have value? Think about that for a moment, and we will come back to this thought later.
If someone were to give you a biscuit, you might say "Thank You" if you were hungry. If you were not hungry, or if it appeared to be "flawed" in some way, many a person would say "No Thanks!"
What creates "value" in a thing, in a person, in a service, or in anything?
How much is a song worth? There are many types of songs: there are short songs, long songs, songs that bring hope, songs that bring tears, songs of laughter, songs without words, National Songs, spiritual songs, and many more. What gives a song value? If God almighty, the creator of Heaven and Earth were to give you a song - would it have value? Most would agree that such a song would be "priceless!" If someone were to give you one of Michael Jackson's or Elvis Presley's top selling songs, would it have value? Sometimes value is perceived by the author, by the one who's name appears on it.
If I were to paint a picture and give it to you, would it have value? Not much, unless you loved me. On the other hand, if I gave you a painting by Picasso or Rembrandt it would have much value. Why? It would bring a "top dollar" price because the the painter is no longer living, it is agreed upon by the masses that it has much worth due to the "name" that appears at the bottom of the painting, it has been signed by the author.
If something has no value, where does it end being? It usually winds up in the trash pile. On the other hand, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Why? It is always a good thing to ask questions. Why is that? Who thought of "signing" a painting? Who creates value in an object? Who determines the value of an object? Sometimes learning or being "educated" about a thing will increase the value. If you were in an art gallery and you never heard of the painter, it could be that the value was "not that much" in your eyes. But let's say for argument's sake, let's say you asked the owner of the gallery the price of a painting, it looks like "trash" in your eyes, it is so simple that a child or an elephant could do it - but then the curator says that the picture is worth $1,ooo,ooo,ooo.00 dollars. What????? Why???? You don't get it??? You ask this curator, "what makes this so valuble?" He says "The name at the bottom!" You look down and see "Picasso" - now you understand. Now its value has increased in your eyes.
How much is a person worth? Year after year, human lives are destroyed. Why? How much is a human being worth? Well, if value is determined by "costs" - how much does a person bring on the open market? If a person is determined by a "name" - what determines their value, especially if they are "unknown"? In America, babies are "aborted" or thrown in the trash by the millions, because they are viewed as "trash" by the masses. Are the masses right? During World War II, Jews were slaughtered in the millions by Hitler. They were determined to be "worthless" in His eyes. During the slavery days in America, black people were given value, but much less than the "white folk" - Why? Who made that determination?
If I were to give you a trumpet, an old trumpet, and it was not very pretty - how much would you give me for it? One might say, "I need more information!" OK, this instrument was crafted by a very good trumpet designer, and the company was well known in its day, but the company no longer exists. How much is it worth now? Let's say it belonged to a famous musician, but he's been long dead. How much is it worth now? The information would still be sketchy. and probably not enough to pay the big bucks. Let's say the Trumpet was once owned and played by a man named Louis Armstrong, does the value increase? Let's say his name was engraved on the bell, "Made expressly for Louis Armstrong" - would that increase the value. I'd say so.
Who's name is on you? One day we will all appear before God. Those whose names are written in the lambs book of life will go to Heaven, those without His name will go to hell or to the "Lake of Fire." I would say that having His name engraved on your forehead would be "priceless!" What does priceless mean?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh how the years go by

I remember when I was young and life seemed to pass by so slowly. Now at 52, it seems to be running at a whirlwind pace. You turn around and you and all your friends are turning old and grey. This life is a vapor, a brief mist, a puff of smoke - and it is gone. Life is short so make the most of it. Make every minute count!
Time - I often hear people say that they do not have time for this or that, but a person "makes time" for what or who is important to them. Do you spend time with your kids? Do you tell your wife you love her? Do you spend time with God? What really matters to you? Do you want money? Do you want fame? Do you want children? What do you Worship?
Two birds fly over the same desert, one finds a sweet flower to suck on, but the other one finds dead meat. One bird is a Hummingbird, the other is a Vulture. You get out of life the things that you are looking for, it is a matter of perspective. (From Leroy Hoopman's book "Beauty Care for the Tongue")
What do you want? Sometimes that is not an easy thing to decide. There are so many choices, but one must choose. Indecision is not an option, it too is a choice. "You win or lose by the way you choose." I came up with a saying that I think is noteworthy. "Never look to man for things that only God can give to you." (Michael G. Montague) There are some things that no man can bring, no decision will led to, no dream will awaken unto, but God is able to perform and bring to completion. Sometimes it is not in what you do, but in who you are - in your character.
Sometimes life is like a bucket, you only get out of it what you put into it. Sometimes other people put junk and crud in our bucket or basket that we do not want, and it does not go away by itself. Someone, usually the "self" or "God" has to take it out. We have our part in this life, but there are some tyhings that no matter how hard we try, they will just not leave us alone. Some "ugly"things keep popping up like the "Joker" in tinker box.
A friend of mine once said to me "As you slide down the banister of life, may you get a splinter in your career." It wasn' all that it was cracked up to be, but I have found that one often finds that "splinter" in an awkward place. There is always a "but" that negates the previous joys, the previous life, but God. He makes the difference. Sometimes one cannot simply "lift themselves up by their bootstraps." Sometimes when things are bad, we just have to accept things as they are, because one cannot change it, it doesn't go away, and it just is what it is - a horror. Sometimes our perspective of that "horror" has to change. Change is not always for the better, but things change. Life is like a flowing stream, you cannot stand in one place for very long because life keeps moving. "Time is flowing like a river - to the sea, to the sea...." (Alan Parsons Project)
In Christ Jesus we live and move and have our being. He is worthy to be Praised! He makes life worth living. He is the source of all comfort, Hope, Joy, Peace, and Rest. May God be Praised, both now and forevermore!

Where is your heart?

One day we will all stand before a Holy God. That is something that I stand in"awe" of when I think about it. God will not say "Did you do good things?" He will say, "Did you know love?" "Did you get to know my Son?" Many will say "We did this for God!" "Look at what we did: We healed the sick, raised the dead, gave lots of money to the church!!!", and God will say, "I'm sorry, I don't know you!"
It is important that we know God, but it is more important that HE knows us. You might say, "He already knows everything - He knows me!" Does He have a Relationship with you? Do you talk to Him? Do you ever ask Him what He thinks? Do you seek His face? Do you spend time in His Word? Do you love Him? Do you obey Him?
When we stand before a Holy God, what will He say? Will we find approval in His sight? Will He accept us as we are, no more no less?
If we want to get to Heaven, it is NOT automatic. One must follow His directions. Number one, you MUST believe. God said it, that settles it - whether you believe it or not. God does not need your approval, nor mine, nor that of anyone else. He is God. He is Sovereign! Faith In Christ involves more than "works". Faith in God requires our ALL. I once heard someone say that "He will be LORD of all, or HE will not be Lord at all." It is His way or the highway, and that road you do NOT want to take!!!
God never forces us to follow Him, He is a gentleman. "Whosoever will may come." The Bible tells us that "God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." (John 3:17) God does not condemn us, we usually do enough of that ourselves, or others do it for us. Once there was a woman caught in the "act" of adultery. The Religious people, the Priests and the Rabbis, the Pharisees and the Sadduccees came to see what Jesus would do. They were testing Him, it had very little to do with the woman. It had to do with His knowledge of the Word of God. You see, according to the "LAW" - she was to be stoned. However, there was more to this story. According to the Law, both the man and the woman were to be brought before their accusers. They brought only the woman. Jesus stooped down and wrote in the sand. What did He write? You tell me. It had an effect and an impact. Then He said, "You who are without sin cast the first stone!" They each began to walk away from the eldest to the youngest. Then Jesus said to her, "Go and sin no more!" We need to follow this example. The same God who saves us from sin is able to keep us from sinning. Do we sin because we are sinners? Or are we sinners because we sin? That is worthy of some thought. There is an answer. "And you shall seek me and you shall find me, when you search for me with all of your heart." "Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither has entered into the heart of any man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him." Our Father loves us. We have received the "spirit of adoption" if we know Him, and we cry out "ABBA!" - Daddy God!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Trouble with Parents

Do you ever wish your Parents would just leave you alone? Does your Parents ever really bug you? The Bible says to "Honor your Parents." What does that mean? We have lost a lot of understanding in America. How do we "honor" someone? The word "Honor" means "to speak well of," a person of superior standing, a good name, etc... When we honor someone, we show them respect, even when we don't "feel like it." One may get angry with one of higher rank and yet still show respect. As a child I honored my parents by obeying them, by following their lead, by paying attention. by saying "Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am" or "Yes Sir! and No Sir!" I showed them respect by taking my hat off when I came into the house. Did I do this automatically? Of course not, they taught me. They taught me sometimes out of anger, sometimes out of love, sometimes with Prayer, but all of the time by example. With children, I am convinced that "more is caught, than taught!"
Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have until it is gone, or in the case of Parents - until they are gone. When Parents die, it leaves a big "hole" in your heart. I wish I could say "I'm sorry!" or give them one more "Big Hug" - but I can't. They are gone, but not forgotten. They are gone - but I will see them again on the other side.
My parents were very good Parents, but like most Parents - they made mistakes, like we ALL do! I've had my share, but my Parents did the best they could, and then some. I wish that I could say the same. They left a lot of "good stuff" in me though, and they taught me what matters the most. They did not send me to church, they took me to church. My Dad hated large crowds and hated being around boisterous crowds and smoking, but He came to see me at football games when I was the Drum Major of my High School Band. Mom was the best cook, and she would always listen. She was good at "prodding me" in the right direction. If you are young and you can't stand your parents - Welcome to the club! BUT, say to them "Mom and Dad - regardless, I love you!" Then do what they tell you to do. It will NOT kill you, even though some times it may "feel" like it. One thing that I have learned about emotions, You cannot trust them. Honor is best portrayed by Obedience. Be a doer and not just a hearer! Doers get rewards, Hearers suffer from their own stubbornness. When you come against the authority over your head (Parents, Bosses, Pastors, Teachers, etc...), you only hurt yourself. When you are older, you will be glad that you "honored" your parents, it will be a crown of life to you. Many rewards come with honoring your parents, and God promises long life to those who do. One Day it will all be worth it! God is watching!!!

The Word of God

Why read the Bible? The Bible is called the Word of God, I wonder why? Let's suppose that there is a God and He wanted to communicate with His creation, How would He do it? Many Fathers would write a letter to their sons and daughters. Nowadays we would create a video. Before the internet, people wrote letters to one another. If you were a Father in a foreign land and you wanted to communicate your love to a son or daughter, you would write a letter to your children. God loves us so He wrote us a letter called the B-I-B-L-E.
Still, why read it? Watch out!, it might bite you!!! Why does this book create so much "tension" around some people? Many people are against the Bible, and they've never even read it. Why not? I dare you to read it. Religion and religious people hung Jesus on the cross. People who were supposed to "know" God - slapped Jesus, spat on Him, cursed Him, and cried out "crucify Him! Crucify Him!!!" The Word of God is like a fountain that gives life. It is a light that pushes out the darkness, it sweeps away the crud, it is a refreshing spring, and it is the best "Education" that one will ever receive. Why? The Bible says that God is love. It does NOT say He knows love, or that He shows love, but that HE is love. His very essence is love. Jesus was the Word of God in physical form - in the flesh! The Word of God produces life and light (illumination) to those who read it and follow it. The precepts of the Bible are sometimes difficult to follow, and that is where the trouble begins. Our flesh "hates it!" It goes against human nature to follow Christ and His teachings. The Father and the Son are ONE! One Lord, One faith, and One baptism. The Word of God is One, many books but they are all united around God. The Word is a lamp for your feet and a light for your path. HE (the Living Word) must increase and we must decrease. Jesus is the ONLY way to get into Heaven. I didn't write it, HE did. I believe that Jesus was not only a man, but He was and is the Son of God. He reigns from Heaven. "In Him we live and move and have our being."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This same Jesus

Who was this man called Jesus? Jesus is Greek and He was a Hebrew so why the Greek name? In Hebrew His name is Yeshua Ha'Messhiach, or Jesus the Messiah, or Jesus Christ. It is possible that He would have gone by Jesus since many Hellenistic Jews spoke to one another in fluent Greek. I am not a seminary graduate, nor do I have a degree in the Bible, but I do love Jesus. To the Christian, to the one who loves His God, many questions have to be asked about Jesus. Jesus was either a nut, or He was exactly who He said He was, that being the Son of the Living God.
I believe Jesus was exactly who He said He was, no more - no less! His claims are backed up by historical fact. The Messiah was to be born in Nazareth according to the old testament, the tanach. Nazareth means "branch," and it was prophesied many years before His birth that He (the Messiah) would be born in Bethlehem, the City of David.
One day, we will all stand before this Messiah who died for us. He was the "lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." That is what John the Baptist said of Jesus, and the Jews knew exactly what he meant. During the Passover, the lamb was brought inside the home. For a week, the children and family would become "attached" to this creature. This cute little lamb would be "crucified" on Friday, His blood to be shed for their sin. This was foretelling the lamb of God we call "Christ." After a while, they wouldn't allow themselves to get too close to the animal because they knew what was coming - death. Jesus, or Yeshua the Messiah, died as the perfect lamb of God so that we might have eternal life.
Everyone practically knows John 3:16 which says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting or eternal life." The next verse shows us the heart of Jesus and the Father. John 3:17 says that "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world "through Him" might be saved. We do not get right and then come to God, we come to God just as we are and He cleans us up. The Good Shepherd does everything for His sheep. All they do is to follow Him, they listen to His voice.
Consider Jesus, or Yeshua today. Noone, not even Mother, Father, Sister or Brother can compare to the love that we can find only in His loving arms. He desires to embrace you, to hold you, to provide for you, and to demonstrate His love to you in unimaginable ways. God is faithful. His Word says that "if you draw near to God, He will draw near to you." It even goes further to say that if we will Praise Him and Worship Him in spirit (Love) and in Truth (according to His Word), the Father "seeks such to Worship Him." God finds us when we praise His Holy name. On the cross His name was written, Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews. In Hebrew it reads Yeshua HaNetzeret V'mlech HaYehudim. By taking the first letter of each of these words we get YHVH, the tetragrammaton of Yahweh - The Most High God. The ineffable name of God. Jesus was and still is the Messiah, the anointed one. He reigns from Heaven or Zion with grace, mercy, peace and love. Cry out! Cry out! Cry out to Him. He alone can save you. Going to church does not make anyone a Christian, no more than going to MacDonald's makes one a hamburger (per Keith Green). The Bible says, "And you shall seek me (God) and you shall find me, when you search for me with all of your heart." Consider your ways! Consider the love of Jesus and cry out to Him before it is too late. In the words of the old song, "Just as I am without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, Oh Lamb of God - I come. I come.