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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"The Weeping of the Holy Spirit" (by Joni Ames)

The Weeping of the Holy Spirit by Joni Ames
« on: January 04, 2010, 01:43:03 AM »

The Weeping of the Holy Spirit/Prophetic Intercession
Joni Ames
Jan 3, 2010

- Joni Ames

The weeping of the Holy Spirit? Recently many have told me that this is happening to them and contacted me to pray for them because it scared them. I have been experiencing it too...which, over the years, I've learned usually happens with me from the Lord as a call to pray, and it is called, "the weeping of the Holy Spirit" or "prophetic intercession."

You may feel like crying, and tried to brush it off because you thought it was "depression from the enemy" or "the blues" creeping in, or that you were "losing it." - MANY people go through this and take it unto themself. Along with it, some have even had thoughts like, "There is no hope!" Or "I'm not doing anything worthwhile in life" - or even thoughts of death. You are not feeling this for yourself. You are standing in the gap. - Much of it may be for the current situation in Israel, or for the victims of coming storms similar to Katrina, tsunamis, earthquakes, wars, or other catastrophes and items of intercession - whether personal, national, or Corporate Body of Christ issues.

Do NOT ignore this, nor think that you are "losing it" or that it is just the "blues." - And do NOT allow the enemy to turn it inward or into depression. This "ominous feeling" or "weeping" sensation that is coming from our inner-most beings is the Weeping of the Holy Spirit - Prophetic Intercession. It isn't depression, hormones, or insanity, so cast down those imaginations!

We must not let the enemy defile it by calling it "depression," or by any other name. We also must not defile it ourselves by "turning it off" or turning it inward. To do so would be to harden our hearts to what the Spirit is saying, which would deeply grieve Him, as well as reverse its intended use and bear no fruit.

Remember! "He has NOT given us a spirit of fear! - But of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND!" (2 Tim. 1:7)

"Oh my soul, my soul! I am pained in my very heart! My heart makes a noise in me, that I cannot hold my peace, because you have heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war." (Jer. 4:19)

The enemy of our souls is out to kill, steal and destroy, but the Holy Spirit within us wants to use us to properly do battle against the enemy. However, we must remember, "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty THROUGH GOD for pulling down of strongholds." (2 Cor. 10:4)

Let us not be ashamed of the weeping that He desires to do in and through us! Let's allow the Holy Spirit the "right of way" to take it over and to direct it. - Let's turn TO it and not from it.

"Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts." (Heb. 3:7)

We need to ALLOW the Holy Spirit to cry and to pray through us when this unction comes upon us and to NOT "shut it down." Additionally, don't worry about the "words" you will pray. - God has given us a "G-force" (GOD force) weapon called "praying in the Spirit" through which we have the ability to pray in the Spirit what the mind of the Spirit wants to have prayed, and to pray through to victory.

Romans 8:26 & 27 says:
(26) "the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."

(27) "Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God."

As we allow the weeping unction of the Holy Spirit to cry out to Him within and through us, we will be praying (1) past our own weaknesses (personal opinion, judgement, etc.) for the root issues we do not have any personal knowledge about, and are able to pray in the will of God for situations, (2) for the things for which the Spirit within us is weeping; (2) in the way the Lord wants it prayed about; and (3) in the will of the Lord for the outcome. - And when we do that, we know that He hears us:

"Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (1 John 5:14)

And if He hears us, we have what we asked for:
"And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.: (1 John 5:15)

And that's why Rom. 8:28 tells us: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

Rom. 8:28 is one of those scriptures people like to quote - but it is the direct result of praying in the Spirit, as described in Rom. 8:26-27!

When we pray in the Spirit, Jude 1:20-23 tells us that we:
(1) build ourselves up in faith on the inside (v. 20)
(2) keep ourselves in the love of God (v. 21)
(3) help ourselves to look for mercy (instead of criticism and judgement) (v. 22)
(4) walk in compassion (v. 22)
(5) have discernment (v. 22)
(6) have the fear of the Lord (v. 23)
(7) save others from destruction (v. 23)
(8) have successful evangelism (v. 23)
(8) hate defilement/desire holiness (v. 23)

(20) But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, (21) keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. (22) And on some have compassion, making a distinction; (23) but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh." (Jude 20-23)

In other words, when those tears and/or deep groanings come, LET them! Grab your Kleenex and "go with it"! Don't stop it! ~ Be led by the Holy Spirit.

Let me bring balance to this and say - please understand that, even if you don't have your prayer language, you are still His Sheep and you can still hear and obey the voice of the Lord and be directed to pray according to the will of God. ~ In whatever way He desires for you to pray! ~ And still "pray it through!" - In other words, until you have a "release" or a sensing of peace that it has been "taken care of."

However, one of the benefits of "praying in the Spirit" is that it is a language that the devil and his demons cannot understand. Therefore, they cannot thwart or "mess up" the outcome!

When praying in the Spirit, you don't need to be concerned about "words"!! ~ It may be that you will experience tears and/or groanings alone! ~ And we don't need to be embarrassed by tears (ours or others') if they begin to flow! We just need to "let go and let God"! ~ Certainly we are NOT to "fake it" or get loud to get attention! ~ It may well - and most likely will - occur when we are all alone!! Then, as we pray in secret, He will reward us openly, in the natural. (Matt. 6:6)

We don't need to be afraid to allow the Holy Spirit total access to and through us, to be led by Him, for His purposes to be accomplished when and how He causes that unction to come. It is a time to let the "rain" of the Holy Spirit "reign!" ~ To let Him cry out through us for souls and for mercy!

Especially in this time when so many have serious needs, let us heed the voice of the Spirit to "pray it through."

Rev. 2:11 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches..."

Joni Ames
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Joni's website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
God's Plans for you are GOOD! (Jer. 29:11)
Joni Ames
P.O. Box 99
Elkview, WV 25071
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Friday, October 8, 2010

In the Lord's Presence

   A good friend of mine says "Apart from me you can do nothing!" In the presence of the Almighty God, we are changed. There is a Holy Ghost "impartation" that happens when we are in the presence of "Greatness!" We are changed! I'll never forget the time I had the privilege of playing on stage and in the presence of Phil Driscoll (Jesus and the HS were there too). He took me to the Father (Abba), and in His presence I was changed. We have to keep coming back to Him, because we get "crusty" and we need to "let it soak" to remove the crustiness that comes with getting older.
   In the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of joy. It often comes with a lot of pain. Our heart is ripped open and we have "open heart surgery" with God as our great Physician. Our eyes burst with tears, our nose runs, and we are a mess to behold - but God is at work. In the secret place with God, we behold His glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father - full of grace and truth.
   I am a Worshiper. When I am "in the zone" with the Father, I am forever ruined for the ordinary. This world cannot hold a candle to that place, but I don't want to leave it. Sometimes we need to "hang" tight with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Times with Dad can be very special. Some of my favorite times with my Father was throwing the Frisbee, imagine that! Other times would quote a scripture, and wait for me to finish it. But there was one time when he was at the piano, and I was in His bedroom, and we had a dialogue. It was a spirit moment. He spoke and I answered. In that moment I touched His heart, and he touched mine.
   One of my favorite spots in my family time was around the piano. Singing with my brother, playing with my sister, and playing together as one for the glory of God. Christmas was always a special time. In my family, there was no lack. We didn't get everything we wanted, but we got everything we needed...and more. Where there were cracks, God has filled in the gaps.
   I guess my favorite times were when I was alone at the keys with my Heavenly Father. When God showed up, and my fingers began to move with a greater ease. HE captured my heart, but Oh how I did not realize it till now. "When He is old, he will not depart from it." God knows our hearts. He sees every tear, He knows every cry, and He is intimately familiar with all of our ways.
   I ama blessed man. I have run away from God many times, but HE is always faithful to draw me back to His loving arms. Thank You Jesus!

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Friday, September 17, 2010

The Love of God

   Today begins Yom Kippur at sundown, it is the day of at-one-ment (atonement). When I think of God and His love for me, I stand amazed in His presence. That God should love a sinner such as me, His love truly knows no bounds. I was just reading in Genesis where God commanded light, He spoke and there it was. He commanded and it came forth, but God formed man and woman. Why did God form us? He formed us in His image to be His children to live in His Kingdom to Worship the King.
   The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell, it goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell. It is the goodness of God that draws men to repentance. We cannot even approach God without His drawing. The Good Shepherd takes His staff and draws His sheep to Him. There He cleans us and washes us whiter than snow, He feeds us, He puts the oil of blessing upon us, He anoints my head with oil and my cup runneth over. Our God is an awesome God. Words are often insufficient to express what HE does for us. The Shepherd does everything for the sheep. What does the sheep do for the shepherd? The sheep are purchased. Sheep offer value to the shepherd when they are sheared (naked) before Him. Sheep are of value to Him when they die. I guess the shepherd likes gyros (not really). It is hard to say in natural terms what value the sheep have to the shepherd. They follow Him, they follow His voice and obey His commands.
   The day of atonement is a day of remembrance. We remember what the great shepherd did for the sheep. He was the "lamb of God" that took away all of our sins. Who could be perfect, without blemish, without fault, and Holy unto the Lord. No one in all of mankind could wipe away the "sin debt" caused by Adam and Eve. The sacrifice had to be perfect, nothing else would do. The law was not enough to make men anew, because it kept the focus on the problem and not the solution. Only the "lamb caught in the thicket" was sufficient to take Isaac's place. Yom Kippur is a day of remembrance, today we remember Ha'Messhiach (Jesus - The Christ, or Messiah). No work was to be done on Holy Days, I guess that is the difference between a Holy Day and a Holiday. On a Holy Day, there is a focus and a purpose.
   The Love of God brought to us the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb of God. The perfect One died for you and for me. Agape (love) is the best love, the love that does not require a gift back. Agape love is a love that keeps on giving. Thank You Jesus for Your Holy Love. Thank You Yeshua for your atoning work on Calvary. Baruch haba B'Shem Adonai!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reflections on Marriage

   Well, my wife (Pam) and I will be married for 25 years on August 10th. Marriage is a "good thing," not a bad thing. The Bible says "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and (the bonus) obtains the favor of the Lord. Like most people in marriage, we've had our ups and our downs, BUT God is Faithful!!!
   The institution of Marriage is a "Holy" thing, thus it will not work without GOD! Even with God, it can be tough at times. There is a third cord though, that is the glue that holds things together during the "tough times." Tough times will come in various forms: arguments, disillusionment, false expectations, unrealistic goals and dreams, and so forth. Real love will last to the end. Real love is NOT based on emotion, it is based on commitment. "Feel good" marriages do not last when people no longer "feel like it." That is why it "must be" based on the rock of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
   Pam and I had good role models, both of our parents stuck it out to the end. That helps!!! We have been blessed in many ways, but there were problems which have extended to even this day. Healing takes time. Learning to forgive can be hard. Learning to effectively "deal" with past problems can be almost impossible, but with God ALL things are possible.
   I give God the glory for making it this far. Twenty five years is a long time, but it is a spit in the bucket compared to Eternity. I have a beautiful wife and I have failed her many times, and vice versa. The Good News is that God has never let us down. When we call upon Him, He is always there to help mend the broken fences, to kiss the "boo-boos," and to offer a word of encouragement.
   We are now at a place where we truly are "one flesh." We often laugh when we have the same idea at the same time, when we finish each other sentences, etc... We are growing old together. I don't know all that God will do over the next 25 years or so, but I KNOW that God is our friend, He's on our side, and like a dear friend says "God is faithful!"
   In closing, I am very, very Thankful to my loving God, Jesus Christ, for all of His blessings. I am thankful for His guidance, His counsel, His love, and for everything. Deus Nobiscum, Emmanuel, He is "God with us" and the lover of our souls. All honor, All glory, All Power, and ALL Dominion are HIS. He is our Father. We have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry "ABBA" Father. "Let every man be found a liar, God's Word is true." Thank You Jesus! Thank You Mom and Dad! Thanks to all of you who have been a part of our lives! Shalom!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ahmadinejad's Plan for America

This morning while viewing a video by Benjamin Netanyahu, I believe I had an epiphany. I saw in the spirit Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's plan to destroy America. He is developing long range missiles and nuclear bombs which he will use against the "Great Satan" which is America and Israel. What would the target be in America. They destroyed the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. One of the targets was missed that day, and it was a big one. When President Bush shut down the airports, he shut off their plans to destroy the oil in America. Exxon-Mobile will be one of his first targets in America. Ahmadinejad will target large oil centers, one of the largest is in Louisiana, and the other target will be the capital (unless Obama is in office) and other large cities (like Los Angeles, New York City - because of the Jews, Atlanta, Chicago, etc...). If Ahmadinejad is successful, he will ruin America, and that is his plan. Then he will go after Israel, and he wants to completely wipe Israel off of the map.
Baton Rouge would no longer be on the map, a nuclear bomb would do to us what we did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My beloved church would crumble like sand, and thousands if not millions of lives would be lost. Panic would ensue and people would panic. Marshall law would take over and America would become like a third world nation, stripped of all power. May we stand in prayer against this man Ahmadinejad, but even more - may we vote in an American President that will act before it is too late!!! In God We Trust!!! He is our best hope, and our only hope (Hatikvah).

Monday, June 28, 2010

On Getting Older

I am 52 years old as of this moment, tomorrow I will be 53 years old. This life is good if you know God, if you do no know God life can be quite miserable. What have I learned in almost 53 years of living? That is a good question, and I don't have all the answers, BUT I do have a few. "Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, no man (or woman) comes to the Father (Abba) but through Him." When Jesus taught men to pray, He did not say "Pray to me,"  but HE said pray to the Father - "Our Father (Abba-Daddy God), who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name..." If we want to have life, we must come to the Father through the Son. No man can do this unless the spirit of God draws him (feminine always implied) first.
It is the goodness of God that draws men to repentance. Many times we say we are "Sorry" but often it is not true repentance, we are just sorry we got caught. I was helping a friend the other day, answering the tyranny of the urgent (not a good idea BTW), and I got impatient. I passed an old lady that was driving way too slow. I went around her as she was turning, because she was taking her sweet time. We had to be somewhere by 1:00 pm and it was 12:45, so I was rushing. As I came up to the stop sign, I saw two Sheriffs deputies, and I knew - Ticket Time! Well, Thank You Jesus! It really pays to help someone in need. It was not my idea, not my plans, I was just trying to do good. Wonderful! Sometimes things just happen, and most of the time it is our own fault. My worst enemy is the one I stare at everyday in the mirror. Can you relate? We don't plan to fail, we fail to plan.
If you want to be successful you need a plan of action, hopefully one that is tested and true. When God gives orders (His plans), one can be assured that they will work. God NEVER fails! We do, on the other hand, let Him down and that all too often. God is our anchor man! He has never lost a race.
The law is our tutor. The law is not there for the just, but for the unjust. The righteous were never supposed to be ruled over by the unjust. Truth, Justice, and the American way are great ideals, but we live in a fallen world. Men do not always follow the law, they follow their ways, man's ways, the emotions of the people, the will of the people, and they use the law to their advantage to gain wealth, status, and position.
"Life is like a box of Chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." Well, fate determines many things, but not everything. Many things blamed on the Devil and God are our own fault. We are the Masters of our fate. Sometimes we are not successful because we have not failed enough. The system that is successful will allow for failure and mishaps. Perfection doesn't happen. People who are "perfectionists" will fail in many areas of their lives, because they are focused on "One Thing" and that is usually the wrong thing. God (The ONE) helps us to see the bigger picture. Many build Kingdoms and have plans, but not according to God's law. Many plan to go to Heaven, but they will never get there because they strive to get there using their ways, their plans, and their schemes. God wrote the schematic manual for the human being, and in it He details the human being, His plans, and how life should be lived. We have to take the ball and run with it. The problem is that some do not know where the goal line is, some do not know the game plan, some are very talented and seem to do everything right - only to find out later they were doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons.
We can blame and project our failures onto others, or we can take the responsibility and say "My Bad," "I blew it!"
Sometimes we find out too late that what we thought we were doing for good was really seeking to be known, to be recognized, self-seeking pleasures that amount to nothing in the end. "All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give..." We must leave everything at the foot of the cross. All of man's ways will burn in the fire of His love. Our God is a consuming fire. When we stand before Him, He will NOT say "What do you think?" He will say, "Did you do what I asked you to do?" His Words are clear, even a child can understand them. We are to love God with all of our heart, all of our soul, with all of our minds, and with all of our strength. We are to love others in the same way we love ourselves. "Love thy neighbor as thy self." We are to love our enemies and pray for those who hurt us, for those who despise and use us. Our worst enemy is often looking for the same thing we are, and we are fighting for the same rope in a tug-of-war. To the victor goes the spoils, but the victory belongs to God. If we belong to Christ, He leads us in a triumphant march to His glory. God gives us the "booty," or the spoils of war. One place in the Bible, it took the children of Israel three days to pick it all up. He fed the children of God (Israel) manna in the desert for 40 years, yet they still complained.
I have been young and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging for bread. He is the bread of life (the staff). He is the substance we look for. He is our all in all. He is our ruler, our Master, our King, our Father, our healer, our defender, and our friend - and so much more. God is our life. Bless His Holy Name! I will yet praise Him. He puts all of our enemies to flight!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jesus, All for Jesus

   When I think about the cross, I feel so unworthy of the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." The first words spoken by John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin, were the quote in the last sentence. Why did John call Jesus the "Lamb of God?" Jesus came to Earth to fulfill a plan. What was that plan?
   In the beginning of time, God created the heavens and the Earth. He created the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all living creatures. He built the mountains, He made the plants, all thins grown by seed, and created a beautiful garden. Then He created man, and man was alone. The first time we see in scripture that God says that something is "NOT good" is when HE says, "It is not good that man should be alone." God created a helper for the man. We all know the story. Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God told them not to eat, and then He casts them out of the Garden of Eden. Man fell and was separated from fellowship with his Father.
   The Jews were led out of Egypt by Moses, a man of patient character but with flaws. Moses stuttered, and he made excuses for not doing what God called him to do, but God had a plan. Moses talked to God face to face. How many of us would like to do that? "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these Thy brethren, you have done it unto me." Moses first saw God in a burning bush. This bush was on fire but was not being consumed by the fire. God can control fire so that the physical structure is purified, but not consumed. Did the plant live after this? I imagine that it flourished.
   Joseph was a dreamer, but he had flaws. He told his brothers and family about his dream - BIG mistake! Not to mention the fact that Joseph was "Daddy's favorite little boy" and wore "the Coat" made by the Father's own hand. Most people do NOT approve of favoritism, do you? Yet there are always those who are "chosen by God." Now if they are chosen by God, then God has a plan and HE is faithful to complete the work. Joseph's dreams became reality at the right time.
   Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Peter, and all the great men of God had flaws, but there was ONE greater watching over them. The Almighty God of Heaven brings fulfillment, not to our plans but to His. God has a plan. When man falls, the Good Shepherd knows where to find the lost sheep. He listens for their cries. When a sheep falls down, he has to have assistance to get back up. Left alone the sheep will die.
    God has a plan - imagine that! God knows the end from the beginning. God knew that Adam and Eve would fall and He had a plan to correct their mistake before it was ever created. God sent His Son to die in our place. HE is the "anchor man" that has never lost a race. We always win with Christ!
   The Passover was very familiar to the Jews. Every year they would have spring cleaning in preparation for the Passover. All leaven would be removed from the house. The Father would select a young lamb out of his flock. The lamb would live among his family for a short time. For a whole week, the kids would play with the lamb. The lamb would be petted, caressed, held, and played with on a daily basis. On Friday, the lamb was killed for their sin. The blood of an innocent lamb was killed and he did nothing wrong. How cruel!!!
   The first words out of the mouth of John the Baptist was "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Jesus was innocent. He was the perfect lamb. He lived among us. Jesus gave His life freely for us, you and me.
   Jesus, all for Jesus, all I am and have or ever hope to be. All of my ambitions, hopes, and plans - I'm surrendering into Your hands. Jesus is the fulfiller of the dreams. "God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:17

Thursday, May 6, 2010

When Friends and Family Pass Away

Greetings to my friends who actually read this! Yesterday was a sad day for me, a friend of mine passed away. It was not sad for Him, the only suffering is on this side of Eternity. Ed Buggs was a man that grabbed my attention. He was a sharp dresser, always had a smile, looked important, and he above all was a friend. From a distance, some would say we were mere acquaintances, but in the spirit of the living God we were brothers.
Allow me a few moments to reflect on Ed Buggs. Ed just seemed to show up in my life at church one day. I wasn't looking for him, but there he was. After a little inquiry, I found this man had a history, most of it was good. There was something in his demeanor, something that said "He's sharp, He's a thinker!" Ed and I had an instant connection. Why? I could not tell you, other than to say that Ed was an immediate friend. We accepted each other, and he liked my music. He told me that he too was a horn player, he just didn't say how good. I never heard him play, and i guess that is my loss. Ed knew what it took to excel, He knew what it took for greatness. Living in the public eye, His life was lived "in front of the camera." The camera lens tells no lies. Maybe that is why he went into radio, people tend to be more forgiving there. I remember hearing him on the "Ed Buggs Show." He would say "Talk to me!" He had the voice of a Father, very calm and reassuring. He had a way about him that said "Come on, you can do it!"
Was my perspective of Ed correct? We tend to look at people the way we want to see them. Ed was a Black man, but that didn't matter. Ed could be green or purple, it didn't matter. Ed was a "Bud," someone you could trust. Every time I saw Ed, here came a big smile that said "Hey Buddy, how ya doing?" A part of me goes with him, and I will always remember him. So long Ed, it was great knowing you, even from a distance.
Friends come, and friends go. Family comes, and family goes - and one day we too will face the "end of the Journey." What will be said? How will others remember us? Were we someone that others looked forward to seeing, or one that made them run the other way? Those who matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter. Connections are made from the heart. We choose to love, we choose to be committed, we choose to believe, and we choose our course in this life. Most of us do NOT choose to die, it is thrust upon us. Sometimes it comes quickly, and unaware. We do not see it coming, but BOOM! There it is! There are no "warning signs." Other times, death comes slowly and the end does not come soon enough. At times like these, we hope for a quick end to the suffering, and sometimes it seems an eternity before the end comes, but it always will eventually come. God chooses the end. God puts the double bar line at the end of the score saying "It's over" - Fine!
With the passing away of Ed Buggs, I look at my life and say "What about me?" What have I done that is worthwhile? What do I have left that I need to do? What is it that I want to do? But even more than anything else, What do I have left that God wants me to do? This usually comes with a relationship attachment. Life is not in the dollars earned, not in the number of gadgets, but only in those we loved. Only one relationship truly matters, and if that one thing is right, then everything else will fall in line. When our relationship to God is right, then our world is right. Sometimes we have unrealistic expectations. Sometimes we have dreams yet to be fulfilled. Sometimes we never reach the goal we so desperately were seeking. Along the journey, we meet friends and family, we smile and hug, we laugh and we cry. At the end of my journey I want to hear "Well done Thou good and faithful servant!" Just over in the glory land, I'll join the Happy Angel Band, just over in the glory land. We will see many on the other side. Success for some will only come on the other side. We are just strangers and pilgrims passing through. See ya later Ed!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Pleasures of Getting Older

Life changes as one ages, and what goes around really does come back around. I guess when your body starts to do weird stuff, then you realize this is temporary. I am not writing this to be depressing, morbid, or anything like that, but maybe I am just musing or find myself thinking out loud.
As men age, the hair begins to turn grey, it begins to fall out, our virility begins to fade, our muscles are not as "rock hard" as they used to be, and weight is easier to put on and harder to take off. Hair is falling off of your head, but now begins to show up profusely in your ears and out of your nose. You need a weed eater to get rid of the hair coming out of the wrong places, while trying to figure out how to keep it from falling out on top. Average and ordinary doesn't cut it anymore. You don't do things to impress anyone, it just feels good to know you still can.
My life began to take a drastic turn when I turned 43, I had to get glasses. It wasn't that I couldn't see, I could still see. The printed page had just gotten smaller and a little blurry. The I got the bureau disease, that is when your chest begins to fall into your drawers. At 50, it was like someone turned on the pain switch, and the "fun" began. Whoever said "life begins at 50" must have been in a different body, or I guess maybe I just don't get it. You get older and you begin to see things clearer, but by then you can't keep up nor do you feel like it. You begin to downsize, and you don't need all the "junk" to keep up with the Jones'.
Little things start to become much bigger: like friendship, family, home, church, and security. I guess some folks get prepared better than others, but there comes a point in one's life where all the world can be put into one bag. A change of clothes, a toothbrush, a comb and brush, shoes, bedroom slippers, and a Bible to read (Large Print PLEASE!)
More is less, less is more. The things of this world no longer hold the thrill they once held. Relationships do not come as easily as once they did, but you value those "old things" that just seem to fit you. No longer do you have to have it, you just rest in the enjoyment of the moment. Finally at peace with yourself and with God. No longer striving to please something or someone, but finally at rest.  The little things that we often overlook like "Thank You," "I appreciate you," (Dare I say it!) "I Love You!" and just the touch of a hand, the smile of a friend, the embrace of a child, or the wink of a spouse.
When Sunset looms over the horizon, when life seems to be coming to the end, the greater grace appears to come like an old friend "Even so, Come!"

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Paschal Lamb

                                                   "A Remembrance of Christ"

Each year during the spring, The Jews celebrate an event we call "Passover." Because it has become common, many if the truths have been passed over or even ignored. Why did John the Baptist declare with his first words of Jesus "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!"(?) Where did he get that idea?
In the spring of the year, The Jews would begin "cleaning house" in preparation for the Passover. Hence, we get the term "Spring cleaning." All levin or yeast had to be removed from the house, and that included all the dust and dirt. A little levin would be left for Papa to find when he did the grand inspection, and this was a tradition. The Father would select a young lamb and "bring him home" to live with the family during this week of "Celebration." This was no small thing, for it was commanded by Almighty God, to do yearly in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt. Once the house was clean and the time was right, the lamb and the family would be locked in for the week. No work would be done during this week and this was family time. Squabbles would arise, there would be much discussion, and the children would play many games. This little lamb became a "pet" and the children and family would grow attached to it, much like we would a dog or cat, or any other pet one can imagine. Their minds would be "on God" and the Father would oversee the traditions of the family and would follow strict adherence to the Word of God.
On Friday around 6:00 pm, the lamb would be "slaughtered" for the sins of the family. Can't you hear the children begging, "Oh no Daddy, PLEASE DON'T KILL IT!" It had to be done, and the Father or one of the men would cut the lamb's throat and let the blood drain. There are many other symbols of Christ in the Passover. All of these can be read in a little book called "Christ in the Passover" by Moishe Rosen (Moishe is Moses in English).
The bread that was used plays a significant role as well. It was unlevined and it was "striped and pierced" and kept in a pouch. This pouch had three compartments: Upper, Middle, and Lower. The bread for the Passover would be pulled out of the Middle first and broken in half. One half of it would wrapped in a linen cloth and "buried" or hidden from the children so that it could be Resurrected at a latter time in the Passover. The hidden bread was known as the "Aphikomen."
There is much more to be said about this so I would recommend the reading of the book previously mentioned. Moving on to Jesus, the Jews were waiting for a Messiah, or Ha'Messhiach. When the lamb was slain, this was called the "atoning sacrifice" or "Atonement." This was the time the person realized they were "One" with God, or At-one-ment.
When Jesus walked on this Earth, He was the Pascal Lamb, the atoning sacrifice. He came to Earth to dwell with His family Israel - the children of God. We slaughtered Him! It was His Destiny and He did it because He loved us so much. Jesus was the bread of life and when we partake of communion bread we eat His flesh. When we drink the wine, we drink His blood. I do not believe this is literal, but it is a powerful symbol and remembrance of what HE did for us (me).
When Jesus died on the cross, He fulfilled the obligation of man's sin, the requirement of the blood. Sin brings death, and Jesus died for you and for me.
The "Aphikomen" would be raise from the dead, from the Secret Place, and the children and family would rejoice with great Joy because "He is Risen." Jesus is the Aphikomen.  Jesus was the Lamb. Jesus  was in and around the family when the death angel "Passed Over" the House. Without the blood of the Lamb, there can be no remission of sin. We are free to live, we are free to dance, we are free to Rejoice because of the the "At-one-ment" we have with the Lamb of God. Although we are free, this grace and mercy did not come cheap. The very best was offered up for you, and me.
"What wondrous love is this? Oh my soul. Oh my soul. What wondrous love is this? Oh my soul. What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss, to bear this dreadful curse for my soul?" All of our springs are in Him. HE is the fountain of Life Eternal.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

In Spirit and in Truth

The "Law" serves as our tutor, our teacher, until we find Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour. The Word of God says that we should Worship God in "spirit and in truth." What does that mean? Many people share their opinions, but opinions are just that. What does God say? If we strive to please man, we may come up with an opinion that suits us. People who want to share their opinion are not often interested in the truth. The truth of God's Word is not always popular. God has an answer, but sometimes we must dig it out. God will answer the reason of "Why?"
"In Spirit and in Truth?" What is truth? Pontius Pilate asked this question to Jesus while standing face to face with the truth, the living Son of God. According to the Bible, God's Holy Word, "Thy Word is truth."The Word of God is life and it is good for teaching, instruction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness. The Word of God creates life. The light of God's Word expels the darkness within the human body from the inside out. That is NOT my opinion, it is the Word of the Lord. My opinion does not matter, only God's Word will stand in eternity. God's Word is "The Law" and noone can fulfill the whole truth of the law, save the Son of God, the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World."
Now that we know the truth, "and we shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." What is the spirit? God is love, and that is a hint. God offers proof through His Word. "First the natural, then the spiritual." I used to think it was the other way around, but then I saw the truth in God's Word. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is destruction. God wants us to move into maturity. When we do things in a spirit of love, we do not lose, God does not lose, and we all come out on top. It is truly a win-win situation. We can do good things though and still be wrong.
Motives are those little hidden things that noone sees but us and God. God's Word is a discerner of the "thoughts and intents of the heart."
There is a letter (character) in the Hebrew that represents God. It is composed of two "letters" and it is a compound letter. One of these is a letter which represents the "law" and the other part represents "love" and the total represents the Word of God. It is a birthing sound too. It is a creative force which speaks forth life.
The highest form of love is "agape" or "agapao" which is the kind of love that gives without expecting a return. This type of love is exemplified in the cross and the life of Jesus Christ. Love is the highest goal of the gospel. When we do things in "spirit and in truth," then we do things according to God's Word AND (the bonus, the Plus) in a spirit of love.
We can do things according to God's Word and it not be "right." When we do things according to the law, but in the flesh - then we offer "strange fire" on the altar. An example of this: A parent is commanded to "spare not the rod." "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction drives it far from him (or her)." If we do not spank our children, the we say we know more than God. If we obey the Word of God, but we punish or spank in anger and in a spirit of rage, we sin there too. When we are in Unity with the Word of God, we do the thing God requires in the way God commanded and in a spirit of love. We have all "blown it" and only Christ is perfect. If Christ truly lives in us, shouldn't we act as He does? The Divine Symbiant living within the heart of the believer produces the fruit of the Father and of the Son of God.
Love is the highest form of the Law. Jesus is our example. Let us follow in His footsteps!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Get ready to die!

The inevitability of death lies before us at all times. We have to face it, one day we will all die. That doesn't mean that we should want to jump on that boat right away, but we must face the "death" scenario. Jesus came that we might have life, and that more abundantly. Jesus died on a cruel cross so that we can have life eternal.
I guess I am weird in some ways, but since my early childhood, I have though about death. My first "death poem" I wrote at seventeen on the night of my graduation. Suffering and loss come to one and all. God kept me sheltered for many years, but there comes a time when it just seems to strike. Death has no favorites, and it usually comes at very inopportune times.
We will all die, so what is the big deal. We will spend eternity in either Heaven with Jesus, or in hell with the devil. Everyone wants to go to heaven, but not everyone who cries "Lord, Lord" will enter into the gates of Heaven. That is no my opinion, it is in the BOOK - the Bible. Many people want to get to Heaven their own way, by good works. Many people say they know Jesus, but the problem is that HE does not know them. Many will come to Him in that day and say "Lord, we cast out demons, we healed the sick, we raised the dead, and He will say "I never knew you!"
When I was growing up in the church, a good sermon was determined by how much it made one cry, or by the decibel level. The content wasn't nearly as important as the emotional response. Salvation in church is often like marriage, it is easy to say "I do" but it a totally different thing to love the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength. I heard someone say the directions to Heaven were "turn right and go straight." If it were only that simple.
As we get older, sometimes life gets in the way. Business, schedules, work, pleasure, and a plethora of other things want to push Christ out of the picture. The Word will reign supremely in your life by choice and determination, or the world will push it out. Loving God is like loving a woman, it is done by choice and by commitment. Once the beginning stages of love and the winds begin to blow, like Peter we often take our eyes off of Jesus and we begin to sink. In His love, He lifts us up. It is not about us, it is all about Jesus. On the other hand, we have our part. He doesn't live for us.
Death will come to one and to all. When is not necessarily the issue, but "are you ready?" or "will you be ready when it comes?" We can rest in the love of the Father if we have given everything to Him. Jesus wants to be Lord of all, or He does not want to be Lord at all. It is everything or nothing with Him.
Are you ready for Death? If not, now is the time, today is the day of salvation. There will be no repentance after death, and there is no purgatory!!! You can pray for dead people all day long and it will do no good. That is not opinion, that is a Divine fact. If we are to live for Him, we must do so according to what He says, not by what we think or by what we feel. We need not be perfect. Noone can live under that kind of pressure, I know.
If we suffer with Him, we will also reign with Him. "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these thy brethren, you have done it unto me."_Jesus
One day we will stand around the Throne singing and crying "Holy, Holy, Holy!!!" We can do that now. Sing for your Papa. We have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry "ABBA" Father. Let us give Him our all, then we can rest in peace - both now and forevermore!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Who is you source?

What if we had another collapse in the stock market? What if this time it was not just in America, but it was world wide? Is Jesus your source? There are many names for G_d. Jesus came in the flesh to die as a man, for the sins of all mankind. If we suffer with Him, we will also reign with Him. Sometimes the concept of GOD is more than we can fathom.
Right now, this Earth is undergoing a shaking, both in the spirit and in the natural. First the natural, then the spiritual comes. I didn't say that, God did. My opinion doesn't matter, well at least not much. If man says something, you may discount it and cast it aside. On the other hand, if God is speaking through a man, whether he be a man of the cloth or just an everyday "Joe," you had better listen.
When we meditate on God's Word, when men cry "peace and safety" then comes sudden destruction. Disaster does not come at convenient times, but often comes when all hell is breaking forth in what seems to be in every area of our lives. Like a house being remodeled, it seems to get worse, or maybe even more worse before it gets better. Sometimes it seems as though things will never get better. Like the old saying from the 1970's, "Life is a bitch, then you die." Sometimes life seems that way, but it is not God's way.
The Bible says that "I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly." Jesus died for us that we might have freedom. On the other hand, the same Bible says that the "righteous will suffer." "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all."
When Moses appeared before Pharoah to tell him that GOD said, "Let my people go!" Pharoah did not immediately comply. The Israelites suffered along with the Egyptians, but there came a time of separation. There comes a time when God draws the line and He says "Enough!" In the land of Goshen, there were no harmful effects. The Israelites were NOT affected by the later plagues of the Egyptians.
When the Jews were leaving, God placed a cloud for them behind them. It was between the Jews on one  hand and the Egyptian army on the other. This cloud was "light" to the Jews, but this same cloud was "darkness" to the Egyptian Army.  The Egyptians were able to match Moses' miracles at first, even though Moses' rod which became a snake ate their's, there came a time where even the sorcerers said "This is the hand of God!"
If the world stock market crashed tomorrow, would you be secure with Jesus alone? Could you rest in Him without fear and say like Job stated, "Though HE slay me, yet will I trust Him!" A hundred years after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, John F Kennedy suffered the same fate. Has it been a hundred years since the stock market crashed? Many things repeat on a one hundred year cycle. This would be awful: numerous people would commit suicide, people would panic, people would loot cities and chaos would reign supremely. I hope and pray that this does not happen, but what if? The Lord is shaking things up. America is very close to becoming another Hitler's Germany. Hitler's name may be Obama. I pray for our President, but he is taking us down a path that will lead to certain destruction. If there has ever been a time to pray, it is now!!!
One of God's name is Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider. Either HE is our husband or HE is not. The shepherd provides for His sheep. Not because of what they do, but because they belong to Him. Provision only comes to those who are owned by the Shepherd. He prepares a table for us in the very presence of our enemies. We have no need to fear. God will provide. I wonder how Noah felt when he heard the screams of those outside the ARK. When God says "GO!," we should move. We often get locked in to a body, but the word of God says that God is with us "wherever we go."(Joshua 1:9) I pray that our ears will be fine tuned to our Master's voice. The only thing that sheep must do is follow their Master's voice. He that hath an ear, let him hear what God is saying to the church in this hour!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Psalms 23 (expanded) #2

"The Lord is my shepherd." Is the LORD, the God of Heaven and Earth, your shepherd? The LORD sees everything, He is the King and we are His subjects. We live in the Kingdom, but we Worship the King. The Shepherd, the Good Shepherd, knows His flocks - each one by name, and HE is intimately acquainted with their ways.
"I shall not want" - In Christ there is no lack of substance, He provides and He guides. He places His sheep in green fields where there is abundance of grain.
"He makes me lie down"- God does not force the sheep to lie down. When sheep are well fed, and when they are free from fear, then they simply lie down. When they see the Shepherd in the field, and after they have eaten and are full, then they lie down.
"In green pastures" - God knows, the Good Shepherd knows where the pastures of lush green are located. He may have even ben the one who planted the grass, or the one who sowed the seed for it to come up. The shepherd wants the best for His sheep. Our God is rich! We belong to Him.
"He leads me beside the still (quiet) waters." Sheep are funny little creatures, and they are very fearful. A child could run across the field and they would all scatter. They will not drink from noisy, or rushing waters. The water must be still. A great book to read on this is "A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23" by Phillip W. Keller. Another good book is "Manners and Customs of Bible Lands" by Fred Wight, published in 1957. His chapter on "Care of the Sheep and Goats" is my main source for these little tid bits.
"He restores my soul" - He takes care of the physical body, the needs of the flesh are met. Sheep need food and water to live. The Shepherd provides for the needs of the Sheep.
"He guides me" - The Shepherd leads, the sheep follow. Sheep are dumb animals. If one sheep wanders off a cliff, the rest will follow. Where the Shepherd goes, when He calls to them and they begin to follow, they go with the shepherd. Psalms 32:8 says that "He will guide us along the best pathway for our life." As one of His sheep, I take great comfort in that verse. We do NOT lead, HE does. That must mean that we must follow Him, not vice versa.
"In paths of righteousness" - This is not a common path. His path is the right path. When we follow Him, we are taking a path of righteousness. Note: It is not a "path" of righteousness, but rather "paths" of righteousness. This does not mean that there are "many paths to God," but that there are many paths for the righteous to walk upon. There are different levels of grazing with sheep, and there are various levels of maturity in Christ. As the sheep get older, I'm sure that their diet must change to some degree. Sometimes the sheep have to walk down a path to get to another field, or to another pasture. Seasons change, and we do not always stay put forever. The shepherd allows us the freedom to move around.
"For His name's sake" - The sheep have a brand that signifies the name of their owner. The shepherd does not tend everyone's sheep, only those who belong to him or to His Father. Shepherd's are often young men or boys who are "sent into the field" to watch over the sheep for their Father. Such was the case of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Jesus. The customs in Israel have not changed in over 2000 years. The Shepherds were in the field the night of Jesus' birth. It was the "Angel of the Lord" that appeared to them first.
"Even though I walk through the valley" - We do the walking. When the Shepherd moves, the sheep follow Him. There are always exclusions in the law, for nothing is chiseled in stone (except the ten commandments). When sheep are young, they often run away. If this happens too often, the Shepherd breaks their hind legs. This is painful, but He knows it will heal. He has done this many times, and there are lessons to be learned. This is a time when the sheep get to "know" their Shepherd. The sheep may not realize it at the time, but he (or she) is about to learn the heart or nature of the Shepherd. Once this is known, the sheep will never run away again. The sheep, now that the legs are broken, has to be carried by the Shepherd. The Shepherd knows what to do. A "relationship" is about to begin between Him and the sheep. He carries the sheep around His neck. The sheep may urinate of defecate on Him, but that is what animals do when they are fearful. When He stops, he places the sheep or lamb beside Him, and feeds this little one by hand. He strokes it, he plays the harp or flute for it, He hears and gets to know "His Master's Voice."
"of the shadow of death" - This may often feel like they are going to die. It is NOT death, just a shadow. A shadow does not kill, the real does. A shadow follows something, or hides behind it. This process may feel like death, but it is not the real death. Sometimes the real is not nearly as scary as the imagined, and I believe this is what the writer means. Children often wail like they are being killed, but when they realize, "Hey, that wasn't so bad!," then they go about their business.
"I will fear no evil." Fear hath torment. When the sheep know the shepherd, when they see Him and know He will take care of them, even if they are attacked - they simply "cry out" to Him and they are safe. When there is no fear, they lie down. Perfect love, knowledge of the Holy - the Good Shepherd, casts out all fear.
"For Thou art with me" - His name is Emmanuel, Deus Nobiscum, the God who is with us. He never leaves His sheep unattended or uncared for. The Good Shepherd always makes provision for His sheep. They are secure in Him.
"Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me." Why is this in scripture? Why do we gloss over or pass this by? It is because we do not know the tools of the shepherd. The shepherd carries a bag called a "scrip" and into this bag went dried fruit, raisins, fig cakes, dates, almonds, and once some rocks for a shepherd named "David." The shepherd carried a sling too. The rod eventually became the scepter of the King. It looked like a pointed stick with  ball on one end. This was often used like a club. It was used to beat off foxes, lions, tigers, bears, etc...the enemy of the sheep. Through the ball end were often driven a nail or nails. These nails would sink into the skull of the animal that was attacking and it would "pith" them off. It would crack their skull, leaving the animal dead, dying, or maimed in some way. The only time it would be used on the sheep would be when the shepherd would could count the sheep. The tenth one would be "marked" with ink. Every tenth sheep would be offered as a sacrifice. God determined this and it was random. Sometimes the favorites had to go to God. The staff was the support for the shepherd. It would be used to "tap" the sides of the sheep to get them back on the right track. The crook end as often used to draw the sheep to them Good Shepherd for inspection. They would pass by the shepherd and He would "hook" them. There was no getting away from Him. During this time He might apply a paste or balm to the head of the sheep, or some type of oil or paste around the eyes, ears, and nose of the sheep. This kept away the enemy too. Sometimes, the sheep were drawn by love, just to be hugged, scratch the ears, etc..
"Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies." The fields were open to all animals. Jesus said "Whosoever will may come." The enemy is always welcome to come alongside, but never to attack. The sheep ate out in the field right in front of other animals - the lions, in front of the foxes, the wolves, the hyennaes, the jackals, etc... The pastures were prepared for the sheep. The sheep ate in front of their enemies, but the Good Shepherd was watching, ready to defend.
"Thou hast anointed my head with oil." I often wonder if this was Olive Oil. Everything about the Olive represents Jesus. The things of nature often depict the things of God. There was an "oil" that was applied to keep off the "Bot flies" and other evil pests that would irritate the sheep. Bot flies would lay their eggs in the nose, eyes, or ears (usually the nose or ears) of a sheep. Once inside, a barb was attached to the the wall or lining inside and they would begin to feed on the sheep. As the maggot gets bigger, it begins to twirl around inside, and the sheep begins to get irritated. If left alone, the sheep will beat his or her head against a tree or rock until it is dead. This healing balm prevents this from happening. This is a pro-active solution. This is preparation in advance. Praise God for His love which removes the pests ahead of time.
"My cup overflows." - God's abundant provision is always "more than enough." It is pressed down, shaken together, and running over.
"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life" - because of what the shepherd does, the natural following is peace and rest. The goodness of the Good Shepherd and His mercy makes the sheep to lie down, to be content, to be at rest. It is not because of what the sheep do, but because of the goodness and mercy of the Shepherd. This will happen even to the grey head. He watches over us all the days of our lives! Can you say "Hallelujah?" Thank You Jesus!
"And I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever." This world is not our home, we are just a passin' thru! We are citizens of Heaven. One day we will live in the home of the Good Shepherd the King, like Mephibosheth. Praise God!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Some thoughts on Psalms23

"The Lord" - Jesus, the King of the Universe, God, Holy Spirit, the One who rules from Heaven
                     (Who is your "LORD?")
"is my Shepherd" - "my" denotes belonging to, ownership
                               "Shepherd" - the leader in the field, the One who Oversees, Shepherds takes care of
                                every aspect of the Sheep, HE is the protector, defender, provider, etc...
"He makes me lie down" - NOTE:  He does it. When the sheep see the Shepherd in    
                                 the field, they are "at rest." The Shepherd "causes" the sheep to lie down.
"In green Pastures" -  Abundance, His provision, God's "more than enough."

"He leads me" - HE (Jesus) is the director, He leads - we follow. He goes before us...

"beside still waters" - Sheep are skiddish, they will run away from loud water, the streams must be
                                  still or quiet. "Be still and know that I am God." Water represents the Word.

"He restores" - Note: He does the work, not us. Restore means to make new or as it was in the

"my soul" -  Identity, the essence of your being, the emotions, the embodiment of "self"

"He guides me" - the Leader, the Director, the tour guide

"in paths of righteousness" - the right way of doing things, His way, the proper or acceptable way.

"For His name's sake" - the One who signs the deed, the King, the Owner, the One who's reputation
                                     is at stake. GOD is His office, not His name. His name is Jesus or Yahweh. The
                                     two names (O.T. and N.T.) are enharmonic (the same). One is Greek, One is

"Yea, though I walk" - We travel, we are going somewhere but are following His lead. We do the
                                    walking, He doesn't walk for us. (Sometimes though He carries the young              
                                     sheep, but NOT the old.)

"through the valley" - we walk in "low" places, or humble places.

"of the shadow" - the is not the real, but the reflection of the real. The shadow follows the real.

"of Death"  -  the absence of life, the end or cessation of life. That which begins to "rot" or decay.

"I will fear no evil" - Evil does not harm the dead, the enemies of the sheep do not attack when they
                                 see the Shepherd. The Shepherd give the sheep "security."

"For You are with me" - One who comes along by the side, (Emmanuel) "God with us." Companion.

"Your rod and staff" - two "tools" of the Shepherd: the rod was used to beat off the enemy, through its
                                   head (ball end) were driven nails to beat off the enemy. The Staff had a "crook"
                                   which was used to "draw" or "pull" the sheep to the Shepherd to care for their
                                   welfare or well-being. This was for affection and protection.

"They comfort me" - Relationship with the Shepherd, the sheep who knew the Shepherd draw comfort
                                 from these "special" times with the Shepherd.

"You prepare a table before me" - The Good Shepherd knows where the best pastures are, HE plans        
                                                     ahead, He knows the times and the seasons.

"In the presence of my enemies" - Though the enemy is there, the sheep eat safely because of the Good
                                                     Shepherd. The Sheep eat right in front of their enemies.
"You anoint my head" - an ointment was prepared to keep away "Bot flies" or other "pests" which
                                      would attack the mucus membranes. The head was the main place for unseen
                                      enemies. This paste or oil would be a protection.
"My cup runs over" - God's more than enough, Satisfaction, at peace, never in lack.

"Surely goodness and mercy" - The Good Shepherd takes care of His flock with love and kindness, He
                                                 is tender and kind, not harsh.

"Shall follow me" - these things happen as a result of what HE does. They follow us when we follow  

"All the days of my life" -  from birth till death. Never a dull moment with Him!

"And I will dwell" - residence, the place where we live, abode, home, the place where we sleep.

"in the House of the Lord" - God's House, Heaven, the Eternal Home, The Palace of the King of Kings.

"forever." -  forever, for eternity.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Importance of Prayer

I am in the Prayer Room at IHOP in Kansas City, and it is a place filled with the glory of God. One thing that I have learned since I have been here is the importance of prayer. The things of the world fade in the light of His presence. There are different types of prayer and prayer focus, and I have seen most of them here, but not all. There are superficial prayers like "Lord Bless Me" or "Now I lay me down to sleep." Prayers of rote may be good for children, but God wants to take us deeper.
Leonard Ravenhill, Charles Finney, and a few more old time Preachers spoke of agonizing prayer. This is a very uncomfortable type of prayer, and it is gut-wrenching and when accompanied by the spirit of God, it brings much results and rewards. When we agonize over our sins, the sins of friends and family, over the sins of the past, over the sins of the nations, then we are beginning to tap into God. God is a loving Heavenly Father.
First the natural comes, and then the spiritual comes later. We begin with the known and move to the unknown. We begin by praying out of our mouths to God in times of need, in times of desperation, and then in friendship with God. Once we are Spirit-filled, the Bible says that we should pray in the spirit in  tongues. We begin to groan in the spirit, things we do not understand but our Father (ABBA) knows and understands. No one ever prays too much. There are special callings in intercession, but everyone that is a believer is called to pray. God's Word tells us that HE "will never leave us, nor forsake us." (Heb.13:5b) God is our Father and our friend. He is not stuffy and HE does not judge as man judges. He loves us with an everlasting love. Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the heart.
Just what is this things that we call "Prayer." Prayer is communication (talking AND listening) to God. The Bible says that we should worship God in "spirit and in truth." His Word is God's law, "Thy Word is truth." The spirit of God is love, it is the very nature of God. The Bible says that "God is love." Love is not "self-centered" but it is "other-centered." It considers the needs and desires above the self desires and the needs of the flesh. Love sacrifices for the good of those around them. Love lays down His life for His friends and family.
Prayer is such a sacrifice. Prayer takes us from the "self life" and into the "Christ life." I guess it takes us from what we want, and it opens our eyes to the needs of others, and makes us willing to do it. When we become a spirit filled believer, the spirit of God or the spirit of Christ intercedes for others through us. Sometimes when we do not even realize it. The purposes and plans of God appear sometimes and we are caught unaware, because we are "busy" or because we are not listening. Nevertheless, God is faithful. If we are a child of God,  a son or daughter of Zion, then the Shepherd is leading us and guiding us. Psalms 32:8 says that "God will lead us on the best pathway for our lives." God wants the best for His children.
We must cry out to Him. When we don't know what to do, we should pray in the spirit till a release comes in the spirit. If we cannot find God, then we need to Worship Him. When we Worship God, He finds us. The Bible tells us that "The Father seeks such to Worship Him in spirit and in truth" (paraphrased)
Intercession and Worship walk hand in hand, like male and female. Out of the heart springs "rivers of living water." These waters are the Word of God which springs up in Worship and via intercession. The Word of God erupts, it springs forth, it shoots forth through the lips and brings health, healing, produces joy unspeakable and full of glory, and in the church everyone shouts "Glory!" All of our springs are in Him.
My prayer for all of us is that we would know Him as the Son knew the Father. Jesus only did what He heard the Father do. Sometimes that means separating your "self of body" from the crowd. In Him, we follow the cloud and not the crowd. In Him, we walk to the tune of a different drummer. God speaks, then we move. We wait upon God. First comes the directions or instructions from God, then we follow His command. For some, like me and you, this is a life long lesson. It will all be worthwhile when we get to Heaven.  

Monday, January 25, 2010

Does anyone care?

Have you ever been in the pits? The old timers might call it having "the blues." Have you ever felt so low that you know you could play hand ball against the curb? There are times in life where things don't matter, life doesn't make sense, and no matter what you do, things just seem to get worse. What do you do at these points in life? Some people give up hope, some blow their brains out, and some just get mad.
I've been going through one of these times lately, and it isn't fun. Your friends can't help you, and sometimes it feels like you can't even help yourself. Sometimes things just get bad, sometimes they get worse, and sometimes it is NOT your fault.
Who is in control? Do we blame God for times like these? Many people do, and they want nothing to do with God, church, or anything else to do with "goody two shoes." The problem is that we either get "better or bitter" during these times. What are the things that "get to you?" What are the causes of depression? How do we get out of these "holes" or pitfalls we find ourselves in? What is the answer?
Sometimes, there are no quick answers. We want to jump to a "quick conclusion" or make a "snap decision," but many times we later find out we didn't have all the facts. What is it about people that makes them (me and you) judge one another?
I don't know everything, but I know that God does NOT make mistakes. We cannot "blame" God for our troubles. Most of the time we get ourselves into "jams" and we look to "Mom and Dad," to friends, to a Pastor, to the government, or to anyone we can find to alleviate or cancel the problem. We do not like to suffer.
Growing has many "pains" that just come with growing up or getting older. Death is the "Final Exit" and we will all get there soon enough. Our ultimate "blow" or "Victory" will come in death. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." We are all going to die, and those who live Godly lives in Christ Jesus are going to suffer with and for Him. I used to work at a cemetery and I saw death from 2 minutes old to 115 years old. We are all going to die. You are going to die. The question is "are you ready?," and do you know that for a fact? After you die, it is too late to make amends. (Note: If you are Catholic, this might not go with your "Theology," but is the truth.)
How can we "know" that we are ready to go? I heard someone say "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, no more than going to MacDonald's makes you a hamburger" (Keith Green). If there is a God, an Uncreated One, the Grand Pooba, Big Daddy "G," the Man upstairs, or whatever you want to call HIM; if there is a God, then He determines who goes to Heaven and who doesn't - NOT you!!!
If we want to go to Heaven, it must be by His design and NOT according to what we think or how we feel. We cannot buy our way in, we cannot inherit it from our parents, we cannot get there by some magic formula (three "Hail Marys" and fifty bucks in the offering, etc...), nor do we get there by "being good enough." Then how does one gain entrance into this Holy Place called Heaven?
I'm glad you asked, it is only through the blood of Jesus, "by confessing our sins to God, by reading and obeying His Holy Word (the Bible), by Faith in God." We must realize that we are a sinner, and that we need God. We cannot live for God on our own strength. I have tried and many others too have tried and it does not work. Do we give up hope and throw our hands up in the air and say "I quit!" Many have, but God has a better way.
Who cares? God does. Why does He make things so hard? The Bible says that the way of the transgressor (or sinner) is hard. We do it to ourselves. Jesus cares! Your friends care too, but they cannot live your life for you. Your parents care too, but often they are too close to help. There are times when noone but God Himself, or Jesus, can help. Why? Because HE is the only answer, He is the Key to the door you are looking for, He is the bridge that gets you to where you "want" to go.
Know the plan and work the plan. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans of good and not evil, to give you a hope and a future." Another place in the Bible, it says that God is on our side. God is for us, not against us. On the other hand, He gives us "Freedom" and we have the right to choose. Many people want to get wet, but they don't want to jump into the pool. That is like saying, I want to be a Christian without Christ. That is like saying "I want to drive the car, I just don't want to stop and put gas and oil in it." You cannot get to Heaven without Christ. The fuel to get there is His Word. His Word is called "Light." Light expels the darkness. Light literally pushes the darkness out. We MUST continue in His Word, then we are "truly His disciples."
Does anyone care? The answer is yes. The question remains "are we going to do things His way (the right way), or are we going to go our own way? Someone asked, what is the roadmap to Heaven? A child answered, "That's easy, turn right and go straight!" "And a little child shall lead them..."