There comes a time when things change, and I believe we are in a new season as the church of Jesus Christ. We are in a new day. Things are not as they were, and we see corruption and problems all around us. We see corruption in government and our operating systems like never before. Sometimes we feel helpless and sometimes even hopeless, but that is not the case. The devil would love for us to give up and cave in, but our God is bigger. The Church of Jesus Christ does not know defeat, nor will it ever. Though sometimes it appears that we are surrounded on every side, though it seems that this world has conquered us, in Him we are secure. In Christ alone our hope is found, and in prayer we can ascend into the very throne room of God via prayer, praise , and Worship. When we Worship God - HE finds us!
Regardless of what happens or will happen in the days ahead, we win! Now that is good news. Jesus leads us in a glorious triumph. When we walk with God our Father, and Jesus His Son, and we pray in the Holy Ghost then things will change. We are no longer sinners bound to this world. We may sin, but that does not make us sinners because now we have a new nature. The old things are passed away and behold everything has become new. We have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus our LORD. If we are sinners before Salvation, and still sinners after Salvation, then why get saved? What are we saved from? Christ is of no effect if there has not been a change.
This change is not only in the way we think, it is in the way we live. It should affect our speech, our actions, our daily activities, and especially our focus and motivation and purpose for living. The problem is that sometimes it takes a while for us to understand that we have changed. Our identity has changed. We have become adopted into a new family as His Sons and Daughters. Now we should live like King's Kids! Our Father should provide all we need. It is no longer a "performance based" system. Now we live and move and have our being in Him. This does not mean that everything shuts down. Usually just the opposite occurs, life gets real busy. However, in this busy-ness we must maintain our focus on Him. We must get our Daily Bread (our "gasoline" or fuel) via the Word of God. We should not live according to the Law. "The letter kills, but the spirit of God gives life." We are free in Christ, and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
We do not attain to outward perfection, but we are made "perfect" in His eyes through the blood of Christ. It is not our perfection, it is His perfection. "Christ in us, the hope of glory." We should strive to know Him in all of His fullness. Though we stumble, we are not utterly cast down for the Lord sustains us, and He holds us with His righteous right hand.
If we sin (NOT "when" but "if"), we ask for His forgiveness and move on. If a child smokes a cigarette, that does not make him a smoker. If a kid learns to play the saxophone one year in school, that does not make him a professional musician. If we sin as Christians, that does NOT make us sinners. Sinners enjoy their sin, and it is their lifestyle. They do NOT repent, nor are they sorry for their actions. They are full of pride, arrogance, anger, and all manner of evil. Christians may get mad and frustrated, but they cannot stay that way very long. Christians cannot continue in sin and not be affected by it. If the spirit of God dwells in you, you will repent and seek to make things right with God and your fellow man. The vertical affects the horizontal, this is a sign of the cross at work in your life.
Learning to grow and mature in Christ is not always an easy thing. People will talk badly about you, they will assume the worst at times, they will assume things, and all sorts of other problems will arise. The devil is at war with believers, and it is time we stomp on his little head! Our God is bigger. Sometimes we get our feelings hurt, we fail, we miss the mark, and we fall short. Well, welcome to the club! I guess if we were totally perfect, then there would be no need for Jesus and the Holy Spirit, or for the Word of God. We need to pray daily, we need to Praise and Worship God daily, we need to work daily, we need to give God all we are daily, and we need to seek His face daily. Sometimes life gets in the way, and we lose focus. I think Jesus would say "Remember me? Come back Home! Return to your first love!!!!"
When we fall in love, it is not a burden to talk and to listen for countless hours over the phone or in person. Regardless of where you are right now, I believe God would say "Move on!" Continue seeking Him via His Word. If you have gotten off track, get back on the Highway of Holiness. If you are miserable, ask God why! If you need something, stop being proud and ask for help. God is willing to help those who come to Him. In Him, we live and move, and have our being! Apart from Him we can do no good thing! Move on with God! Seek His face! Come to Him with a sincere heart, and know that He loves you even more than your Mother or Father. He is your true Father, and He will provide ALL you need for this life and for the one to come. Shalom!