The "Law" serves as our tutor, our teacher, until we find Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour. The Word of God says that we should Worship God in "spirit and in truth." What does that mean? Many people share their opinions, but opinions are just that. What does God say? If we strive to please man, we may come up with an opinion that suits us. People who want to share their opinion are not often interested in the truth. The truth of God's Word is not always popular. God has an answer, but sometimes we must dig it out. God will answer the reason of "Why?"
"In Spirit and in Truth?" What is truth? Pontius Pilate asked this question to Jesus while standing face to face with the truth, the living Son of God. According to the Bible, God's Holy Word, "Thy Word is truth."The Word of God is life and it is good for teaching, instruction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness. The Word of God creates life. The light of God's Word expels the darkness within the human body from the inside out. That is NOT my opinion, it is the Word of the Lord. My opinion does not matter, only God's Word will stand in eternity. God's Word is "The Law" and noone can fulfill the whole truth of the law, save the Son of God, the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World."
Now that we know the truth, "and we shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." What is the spirit? God is love, and that is a hint. God offers proof through His Word. "First the natural, then the spiritual." I used to think it was the other way around, but then I saw the truth in God's Word. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is destruction. God wants us to move into maturity. When we do things in a spirit of love, we do not lose, God does not lose, and we all come out on top. It is truly a win-win situation. We can do good things though and still be wrong.
Motives are those little hidden things that noone sees but us and God. God's Word is a discerner of the "thoughts and intents of the heart."
There is a letter (character) in the Hebrew that represents God. It is composed of two "letters" and it is a compound letter. One of these is a letter which represents the "law" and the other part represents "love" and the total represents the Word of God. It is a birthing sound too. It is a creative force which speaks forth life.
The highest form of love is "agape" or "agapao" which is the kind of love that gives without expecting a return. This type of love is exemplified in the cross and the life of Jesus Christ. Love is the highest goal of the gospel. When we do things in "spirit and in truth," then we do things according to God's Word AND (the bonus, the Plus) in a spirit of love.
We can do things according to God's Word and it not be "right." When we do things according to the law, but in the flesh - then we offer "strange fire" on the altar. An example of this: A parent is commanded to "spare not the rod." "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction drives it far from him (or her)." If we do not spank our children, the we say we know more than God. If we obey the Word of God, but we punish or spank in anger and in a spirit of rage, we sin there too. When we are in Unity with the Word of God, we do the thing God requires in the way God commanded and in a spirit of love. We have all "blown it" and only Christ is perfect. If Christ truly lives in us, shouldn't we act as He does? The Divine Symbiant living within the heart of the believer produces the fruit of the Father and of the Son of God.
Love is the highest form of the Law. Jesus is our example. Let us follow in His footsteps!