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Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Kindness of Animals

Do you ever wonder, will there be animals in Heaven? Based on some scripture in Isaiah, I believe that will be a good possibility, but it is not conclusive. Animals often reveal to us the love of God in ways that friends and family should, but do not often give to us.
My first dog was named "Bullet" and he was just a "mutt," a Heinz 57 Variety, a little of this and that mixed into a bundle of love. I named him Bullet after Roy Rogers dog, I guess if I had a horse I would have named him "Trigger." I say I loved Bullet, I played with him but never took care of him, Mom and Dad did that. I fed him from time to time, but I was inconsistent and he was hungry on a regular basis. I gave the dog time, love, and someone to play with on a daily basis. He eventually contracted heart worms, so the vet put him down. He was a good dog and I missed him.
When I was eleven years old, I met a friend named Jay, he had a dog named "Smokey." Smokey was a "mean" dog and he would attack and bite. He bit me once, so I stayed clear from him. This dog sensed fear, and he would attack. Smokey was part German Shepherd and part Chow. He had the body of the chow, the thick hair and curled tail of the chow, but his face and hair color was that of the German Shepherd. Jay's father was a "Military Man," a career soldier and they had to move. One day Jay and I were in the back yard, I was on top of the dog house and I started playing with Smokey with a pine straw, and before I knew it I was standing on the ground petting him. Fear had been replaced by love. I cannot explain what happened other than it was a miracle. Fear was replaced by love, and Smokey and I became good friends. When Jay told me he had to move, He asked me if I'd take care of His dog. I accepted gladly (after getting permission from Mom and Dad).
Smokey was a unique dog. Smokey was a watch dog, he was a protector, and he was my friend. Smokey gave me everything the world did not give me. Smokey accepted me just the way I was, I didn't have to prove my love to him. He was my advocate and my protector. There were many occasions where Smokey came to my defense.
Smokey would never attack anyone when he was walking with me, unless they hit me. When Smokey was unchained, He went where I went. There were two bullies, the Crews boys, and the older boy loved to pick on me. He would usually wait till I was alone, and I couldn't get away from him. He pushed me one day when Smokey was with me. He thought I had a nice dog, because he had petted him before. When he pushed me, he found out that my dog wasn't so sweet. Smokey came to my defense. I'd like to think that God is that way toward His children.  He never attacked me again!
Smokey would growl usually as a warning, but he had another type of growl that said "I love you", it sounded like "Gurrrrr" (like girl without the "l"). He would do this for me when I came home from school, and sometimes when I petted him. He was the only dog that I've ever heard do it, and he did it for me. He loved a good belly rub, and to be scratched behind his ears.
I learned a lesson about watching out for those you love with Smokey, and it was a tough lesson. I was supposed to cut someone's grass, but like many teenagers - I had something that came up. I don't remember the details, but I probably bailed because of the heat. My Father went to mow the grass for me, and he took Smokey with him. Some children got around my dog, it was hot, and Smokey bit a little girl. It was the Sheriff's daughter. The Sheriff, the law, came and got my dog and shot him. I guess that is why I respect the law so much,  they killed my best friend. Smokey was running toward the house when they shot him - twice. He was the best dog ever, and he died for my sin. If I had been where I was supposed to be, If I was doing what I was supposed to be doing, then my dog would be alive. My dog is a pleasant memory, and I have a picture of him that I will keep ( my "Rosebud").
Animals serve us without pay, they give us love, and they usually carry in their body the spirit of their Master.
A Godly man or woman is kind to their beast.  I guess sometimes animals see things we do not see. As for Smokey, I pray that I get to see him again. He was a good dog. He was mine. Like God, I belong to Him and HE is mine.

The Living Word of God

If God wanted to communicate with a man, or a woman, how would HE do it? How can you "know" that you have heard from God? Why would God want to talk to me? Why would God want to talk to anyone? If there is a God, and I know there is ONE, He would want to talk to His friends, family, sons, and daughters.
The Bible is called the "Word of God." Imagine that, we have a "clear WORD" from God and we can "know" that it is from Him. His Word creates light and life. If you want to get rid of the darkness in your life, I can personally testify that His Word pushes out the darkness. His Word brings hope, love, encouragement, peace, wealth, and a plethora of other "good things." God's Word was in the beginning of time, before there was a planet called "Earth" - God's Word existed. "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God."(John 1:1)
Why read the Bible? Aren't you interested? What does God say about that? Why take someone else's word, when you can hear straight from the source. What does God expect from you? How can you hear from God? The Bible says that when we worship God, He seeks us. "The Father seeks such who Worship HIM with the whole heart, in spirit (love) and in truth (according to His WORD)." The Bible says, "And you shall seek me, and you shall find me when you search for me with ALL of your heart."
The Bible has 66 books, Isaiah is a "mini-Bible" within the Bible. It has 66 chapters, just like the Bible has 66 books. The center of the Bible is found in Psalms 118:8. The shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalms 117, and the longest chapter in the Bible is Psalms 119. The center chapter and verse is found in chapter 118. There are many interesting things in the Bible, but it opens the mind, it opens the heart, it pushes out the darkness. 
The Bible creates hope. The Bible creates life. The Bible creates peace. It has been done by Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Netzeret V'mlech Ha'Yehudim -aka YHVH), the at-one-ment or atoning sacrifice. The first statement made of Jesus by John the Baptist was "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the  Earth. Via the Holy Spirit, Christ is exalted to His rightful place in the heart and lives of men. God is like a multi-faceted diamond, One Diamond with many sides. There are numerous names for God, but HE is known as "The Living Word," or the "Word made Flesh."
Having a "feeling" or an "idea" that you have heard from God can be wrong? Mankind cannot "bank" on concrete evidence unless he "knows" Christ. If it is not backed up by the Word, then there is no foundation. Jesus (the Living Word) spoke of two men: One built his house on sand, the other on a rock. I suppose you know the story, if not read Matthew, chapters 5-7. God has many things to say to us. We need to know that God is on our side - His Word tells us He does. We need to know that He loves us - His Word tells He does (see Jer 30). We need to know that God cares for His children, His Word gives a clear history (His story) of His love.
In Genesis, He is the creator. In Exodus, He is the deliverer of His people. In Leviticus, He is the sacrificial lamb. In Numbers, God counts the family units, He knows His children and He counts them. In Deuteronomy, He is the giver of the law. In Joshua, He is the promise keeper, and leads us into the "Promised land." In Judges, He is the Father of Justice - the Righteous judge. In Ruth, He is the kinsman-redeemer.  All the way through Revelation, HE is the living Word, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. "As far as the East is from the West, that is how far He has removed our sins" if we are His children. God is faithful, from the beginning to the end of the Book, The Bible is THE BOOK!!! Let God speak to you through His Word today, and every day. Never look to man for the things that only God can give you!